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1 Cm * So. 37309 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 '22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 iiwp^ #- f*Q# rgC . ' Yt9f ^ muw tfiinir- r#if\ ? rev a f •••?^ w- ;•, -*yi7y y jaavi aflb -jj^r %4BE$^tS3s‘ el tr —'• JL ^ d 11*' 4 4 V# yVef yji^- yij rfsoiM - ^, iwJ%f lnHfi cr 'JsflkMaHsNsAfiiel' k -Ala%a^M fp:v ,nMkfjtpiysmfck >p'A\Mfvf ^ r-^.PePfdtNsboBre af1 v-_> . v V^Fr$;-?v-? '£?& ->' ’?-$;H. Ja»i il 4a1. OmWt ~*ssi*t,ps, cvttr^i #s rwtftriiKy Jffia J# - ? >5 « ? ^ ' iSP 97|r F •. ^ :v'Vt^sS,-. ?, : ihF %#''%# w$-aHd|V^r "?‘y* ea a© ee : ea In tha la t t e r ! o f thai Estul £ » » :* l i til s i ... . i . f c l » 4 ? ? ® ,: f f l 1 L'3 t$-3mAh W*w 'I*f: ' ‘TW vIaM^ «Sar<SkM aaft, ? ? Aa fa ^ : i , : v , i l . -:>'? ' - ' Apf IA,, ::;- miPut®3 l l l l . fefiyp?kiiDtt - MOODS' ©tefH lll|:| $aata*t41 ? i ^ JOY WlStuMtiit F; ..A . ,? . _ . :.: ,v . . ??FUtisSR e*WIIWj#Mw*NiailW#WWW<NMNiWWIIW!iWWWWIW <dMiJfiaiiaaeHk^aak.'F' ?-’’ .'•„. ' : •-.; • ..^V;:-.';_ r . . --- f •?*'- i #i> j - j* .1 . F*,.» * lfc. Oft y ., oeputv msm&JkV fllU f ; 3 a w H1MBB||8 BP1 :ffli £s Itfli HlSJuflX fmommm rm m , Ftl! B M 10H -nw. h m i i f» « W JiAe $W*. Ipjlg IIi11 w |rfiiInf I inii IIr ft i Jfctata of .m$ STM&K? BtAt jpBseeaaei, haring th is d a y flle d for fin a l » t t l« 8W%f: it in f ir s t and .fiis*tfee«©a»t of 3 h is adeinlstratlon of the a ffa irs ©f s o li astatefs aeeonpanlod i f ife§ tfllia g of a ra ti-ties, for tlie fin a l. distrllm tlong ©f fslfi est«t#a»eng tha person*; antitied ' tfaarato | I If l i l » f, t l i l : g ^ s , th a u g g ^ Y of A p ril, 19^8, at Y13..0 oH l o o k : / t n . » o fte lF d a y , or m soon thereaftar as Qo\mmWma$ fee heard«. a t tha Court :lo a s|o fla a lli S t ir t , In tha ^ fe stC B ia si ? in* tlit: C ity of ;l*as IVegas, Clark ijCounty, lev&ha, - andI theJsane araihara^ - appointed a a ' the tlwa &n4|jplaC9 fo r - settle* oat of ftS-ii ^eooiintjattm phei hearing off s a il io titlo a f mmm- W M m , A p W l I t > JKEES2j|FCRTHBB. |l>II0BSID^thatfthe Clerk£o f this Court givplaotloa'-ithaw ofi hy posting is i * i ?J - Court House in sal.4 City of f«giLf i" *tf le a st te a . &«ys1fcef©re| th«|lat«$;©f t a l i beer-ifjjgi glTiagithe name o f tbe'.£st*teyptfce .name of Petitioner* tha. nature e f t h e pafpi^eafien, preferring | to th e)P etition :|for further partieui& ra, I a n d n o tify in g |a ll y arso a slin te raste ljln tfe«i©state f) at «AJWt tits# @M plm® togappoer and. slic?*? cause /why:|said Account should.' not la 1 settled*';1 approved^ and ^ allowed, and an order for . m M stxdiruilon m 4ts «ai- farth er$1 that said notice he- published at la s fagM J inf^ a|I.a«|:fagaa|lYaniatiSa,riaw«J'0nrisalf |a': d ally near- papar^published la t t e s ’ Tiga* ggjCliuPlt ‘ County* | Saradaj| once a week ? fo ri three *u®eesei*el*«efcs ln®edlately preceding the data of said 1% a m&fi A. S. HENDERSON aw>iewss>ewwiie^<e^'iLMeeMw^^ ©Mp>wseNe%wieeee»*>e iis t H ic f grow s a. 30 31