Bracken recommended to Strong that the company perform some maintenance work to avoid a lawsuit with the Stewart family.
A letter to the Las Vegas mayor and city commissioners explaining that the water company wasn't interested in expanding their water system because of problems they had experienced the previous summer.
Letter from H. C. Mann discussing Walter Bracken's recommendation to drill a new well to guarantee water for irrigation on the Las Vegas Ranch. Bracken's letter is referenced below.
Since the city was expanding its sewer system, it was a good time to renegotiate their contract to get all the water run off from the city sewer system for irrigation on the Las Vegas Ranch. Written in pencil at top of page "174-2." Letter has two date stamps "A.S.H. Jul 24 1929" and "L.A. & S.L. R.R. Co. Law Department Jul 24 1929."
Las Vegas Valley Water District lawyers broaching the subject of purchasing the Las Vegas Land and Water Company
Letter stating that damage to the pipeline was causing damage at the rail yard, and repair work should be undertaken immediately instead of waiting for scheduled maintenance.
Letter describing how the pipeline from the Springs should be replaced, and how something needed to be done about the low water pressure experienced by the town when filling trains.