Archival Component
The Urban Chamber of Commerce of Las Vegas, Nevada Records date from approximately 1980 to 2009 and contains the organizational records of the Urban Chamber of Commerce of Las Vegas, Nevada (UCC), one of the many chambers of commerce in the Las Vegas, Nevada area. The mission of the Urban Chamber of Commerce is to create and foster an environment that promotes development of members and Black-owned businesses. The collection is comprised of publications, financial and administrative records, various event information, and photographs of events and membership.
Archival Collection
Relief shown by contours. Includes township and range lines. Scale 1:96,000 (W 115°30´--W 114°45´/N 36°30´--N 36°00´). Series: Water-supply paper (Washington, D.C.)
1780. Originally published as plate 3 of Available water supply of the Las Vegas ground-water basin, Nevada, by Glenn T. Malmberg, published by the Geological Survey in 1965 as its Water-supply paper 1780.
Relief shown by contours. Includes township and range lines. Scale 1:96,000 (W 115°30´--W 114°45´/N 36°30´--N 36°00´). Series: Water-supply paper (Washington, D.C.)
1780. Originally published as plate 4 of Available water supply of the Las Vegas ground-water basin, Nevada, by Glenn T. Malmberg, published by the Geological Survey in 1965 as its Water-supply paper 1780.
Photograph of a man, probably J. T. McWilliams, standing in front of trees and a mountain in Lee Canyon. J. T. McWilliams owned a portion of Lee Canyon, which he donated to become a public park. From the Elbert Edwards Photograph Collection (PH-00214) -- People -- J. T. McWilliams and family file.