Floor and foundation plans, sections and exterior elevations for power house attendant's cabin at Zion National Park, Utah. "Drawn by G.L.W. Traced by M.F.C. Checked by R.H.W. Date"June 10, 1926. Revised Dec. 21, 1926. Scale as noted. Drawing No. 45587." "15794." "Revised Dec. 21, 1926. Retraced as constructed changes made." Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
Exterior elevations, partial elevation of garage stalls, details and sections of fire hose cabinet and standpipe cutoff for garage building at Zion National Park, Utah. "Drawn by H.F.D. Traced by R.H.W. Checked by G.L.W. Date: March 15, 1926. Scale as noted. Revised Apr. 15, 1926. Drawing No. 45563." "15792-B." "Revised Apr. 15, 1926. Drawing retraced showing timber on outside of galv. iron siding." "Recommended for approval Daniel R. Hull, Landscape Engineer, N.P.S. Approved Stephen T. Mather, Director, National Park Service, May 3, 1926." Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
Plan for swimming pool and bathhouse at Zion National Park, Utah; includes exterior elevation of north side of bathhouse and floor plan for bath house areas. "Drawn by H.F.D. Traced by H.F.D. Date Mar. 13, 1928. Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0. Drawing No. 45920." "15777-G." Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
Floor plan, elevations, details and sections for guest cabin at Zion National Park, Utah. Includes plans and elevations for furtniture. "Drawn by MB. Tr. by NY. File No. 15182-I. Sheet #1. Job #258. Revised Aug. 27-24. Revised Dec. 29-24. Revised Mar. 27-28." "Recommended by D. R. Hull, Landscape Eng. N.P.S. Approved by Stephen T. Mather, Actg. Director, N.P.S." No original date on plan. Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
Floor plan, exterior elevations, sections and details for deluxe guest cabin at Zion National Park, Utah. Cabin includes fireplaces, bathrooms and porches. Details and sections for door frames and windows, window and door schedules, painting specifications and list of hardware included. "Scales noted. Sheet No. 1. Job No. 379. Date 11-20-26. #15767." Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
Plan, elevations and sections of fire pit and refuse enclosure buidling at Zion National Park, Utah. "Dr. by D.A.E. Sheet No. 9. Job. No. 258. Date 6/28/25. Recommended for Approval Dan R. Hull, Chief Landscape Engineer, N.P.S." Additional title: Fire circle & refuse enclosure. Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
Blueprint showing locations of buildings at Zion National Park, including the main pavilion, cabins, dormitories, a firepit, swimming pool, maintenance and utility buildings and lines and proposed locations. Scale: 1 inch = 20 feet. "Union Pacific System, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Co. Chief Engineer's Office, Omaha, Neb. Dec. 14, 1927." "C.E. drawing no. 50046. Per 'as constructed' print dated Dec. 5, 1927 - from S. J. Mayo, Asst. Engineer. Revised per S.J.M. letter dated Dec. 21, 1927. Revised per S.J.M. letter and print dated Mar 6, 1928." Handwritten in red pencil in lower right:"Office copy 15182." Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
The County Health Department called on the City Manager to enforce Ordinance 76 to prevent the use of effluent to irrigate land that was used to raise dairy cattle on the Las Vegas Ranch.
The Las Vegas City Manager informs Union Pacific Railroad that it would no longer be providing the one million gallons of effluent to the Las Vegas Ranch for use in irrigation.
Discussion of drilling two wells on the Las Vegas Ranch to make up for the irrigation water lost by the City forbidding the use of effluent, and of giving up acreage for the Elks and a sewer treatment plant.