An unidentified young Indian boy holding puppy in Pahrump Valley, Nevada. The photograph was most likely taken at Manse Ranch. This is the same boy as in Image ID: 0096 0006.
An unidentified young Indian boy with a puppy in a watering can. The photograph was most likely taken at Manse Ranch. This is the same boy as in Image ID: 0096 0006.
Paiute or Shoshone woman and two Anglo women seated on wicker chairs, possibly at Manse Ranch. A Post-it note identifies the Indian woman as "probably Maude Yount."
Two Anglo women and three Indian women. The Indian women are seated on wicker chairs. The Indian woman at left turned away from the camera; second Indian woman in center, back row, hides her face with her arm. The photograph was possibly taken at Manse Ranch in Pahrump, Nevada. A Post-it note identifies the Indian woman in front, right, as "probably Maude Yount." This is a different woman from the Maude Yount identified on photo Image ID:0096 0020.