The Las Vegas Literary Club records contain materials documenting various club events ranging from the years 1937 to 1997, with the bulk of the material dating from 1973 to 1994. The materials include scrapbooks that provide insight into the club's activities, events, and celebrations. There are two record books that include financial records with meeting minutes, and a book commemorating the club's history.
Archival Collection
Las Vegas Numismatic Society Records (1963-1974) consist of receipts, membership lists, deposit slips, correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, newsletters, and memos. Also included are brochures, newsletters, and postcards from the Sahara Hotel where the Society's first conference was held in 1963. There is a Guide to Personnel and a Service Directory from the Clark County, Nevada School District. Publications from the Nevada Test Site (NTS), Reynolds Electric ad Engineering Company (REECo), and Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, Inc. (EGG) contain references to the donor, Carl G. Taylor.
Archival Collection
Follow Me to Las Vegas, a magazine about art, entertainment, and popular culture in Las Vegas, Nevada. Entertainers and actors are featured in various articles and photographs. The magazine contains several print advertisements of local businesses and organizations.
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