Oral history interview with Domingo Cambeiro conducted by Stefani Evans and Claytee D. White on October 18, 2016 for the Building Las Vegas Oral History Project. In this interview, Cambeiro discusses his upbringing in Havana, Cuba. He talks about his initial interests in architecture, starting his own architecture drawing service, and attending the University of Havana. Cambeiro recalls submitting a request to leave Cuba, emigrating to the United States, and arriving in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1962. Cambeiro talks about working with Las Vegas architect Julius Gabriel, obtaining his architecture license, and starting an architectural firm. Lastly, Cambeiro discusses being selected to create architectural drawings for the Thomas & Mack Center.
Oral history interview with Gregory Koehler conducted by Claytee D. White on May 15, 2019 for the Remembering 1 October Oral History Project. Koehler begins talking about his family, early life, and occupation. He explains the line of jobs he has had, his history with firefighting, and how he moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 2003. Koehler then recalls how he had attended the Route 91 Festival concert and the events that unfolded during the shooting. He describes what he saw, felt, and how he tried to help the people who were shot. Lastly, he talks about the aftermath of the event and the struggles he had gone through.
A bound version of the "Law School Study for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas" by Dean Willard H. Pedrick, College of Law, Arizona State University, and Professor Lorne Seidman, Chairman, Department of Finance, College of Business and Economics, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. From the University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law Records (UA-00048).
This document establishes the purposes and duties of the board of directors and the make up of the membership of Temple Beth Sholom.