The preface and script for a sitcom television show conceived of by Hank Henry and Bill Willard "to evoke the spirit of fun and laughs springing out of conflict and understanding between the old comedy school and the new school."
The Dennis McBride Collection on Las Vegas, Nevada LGBTQ Organizations (approximately 1984-2008) contains photographs, magazines, and documents relating to various LGBTQ organizations and events in Las Vegas, Nevada. Photographs of prominent community members, including Strutt Hurley, William "Bill" Schafer, Rob Schlegel, and Dennis McBride attending events such as National Coming Out Day and pageants organized by the Southern Nevada Association of Pride, Inc. (SNAPI). Also included in the collection are magazines, newspaper clippings, and documents relating to various issues such as Nevada's "Question 2", a ballot measure that prevented same-sex marriages from being conducted or recognized in Nevada; offical reports on the AIDS epidemic; and student organizations like Students for an Equal America (SEA) and Human Understanding Despite Differences Lifts Everyone (HUDDLE). This collection also contains digital scans of some of the photographs in the collection.
From the Las Vegas Bugle Photograph Collection on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History (PH-00336). Party Gras Las Vegas '99, a Mardi Gras Ball at the Holiday Inn Emerald Springs (2-28-99). See photo #0098.
From the Las Vegas Bugle Photograph Collection on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History (PH-00336). Lock, Stock, and Leather (4640 Paradise Ro., Suite 10, Las Vegas). 1995. Images include Mary Rassmussen aka "Murphy"
The Ted Lenhart LGBTQ Community Collection (1990-2001) is comprised of correspondence, newspaper clippings, and organizational material detailing LGBTQ community issues in Nevada throughout the 1990s. The collection includes materials from organizations including: Aid for AIDS of Nevada, the Clark County Coalition of HIV/AIDS Service Providers, the Nevada chapter of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP), efforts to organize an HIV-Negative Men’s support group in Nevada, and Nevada Outdoors, an LGBTQ hiking club.