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I agree.quasi rit a tempo a tempo i ^ "p p rM' p p i p' i' j i-J^ p f? *p p p i b cheme-mo-rie ti strug - gi,. .The one who's playing False with me. da me tan-to ri - fug - gi?- Can watch the oth-ers Waltz with me.- 1m L. ffPf ff itfj?║ii ?·i (fttflSt Wil a tempo quasi rit a tempo ?√ßn\ p i i ^ h i* * p ?? * '!?√ß' ?? ?√ßT * I ^fep FP^ v j: v ^m p So ben: lean-go - scie tue non le vuoi You say, uCall it a day,y And I o dir,_ bey _ poco allarg. atempo ^ j, ate^ipo .non le vuoi dir, so ben ma ti sen ti mo-rir! -As long as we're free, Gay and carefree, Dar-ling, Why shouldn't I go my way. frl'l. hM f^ poco allarg ti1 j ^-* /7N Jp #tempo j>??* 4'*u 3tt