The Tonopah, Nevada Promotional Film consists of a ten-minute promotional film of Tonopah, Nevada from approximately 1912 to 1918. The film shows a celebration that took place primarily in front of the Mizpah Hotel as well as shots of Tonopah and surrounding mining operations. The original nitrate film was found in the basement of the Mizpah Hotel when Frank E. Scott, Chairman of the Union Plaza Hotel, bought and renovated the Mizpah in 1980.
From the Nevada Mining Photograph Collection (PH-00361) -- Shown is a miniature photograph of Goldfield, Nevada. Written on the photgraph, "Red top mine. Famous for richness of its ores".
The Women's Research Institute of Nevada (WRIN) Oral History Records (1995-2015) are comprised of Dr. Joanne Goodwin's research, communication, and publicity relating to the Las Vegas Women Oral History Project. The records include correspondence, photographs of interview participants, news clippings, and working drafts of transcripts. The records also contain oral history interview documentation for projects in which WRIN and Joanne Goodwin provided assistance and consultation.
Corner of Nevada Highway and Arizona Street, downtown Boulder City, Nevada, showing sign pointing to Visitors Bureau, Fred's Cafe, automobiles at Shell service station.
The W. I. Booth and A. Allen Photograph Album of Goldfield, Nevada (approx. 1900-1910) contains forty-five black-and-white photographs taken by photographers W. I. Booth and A. Allen. The images depict the Goldfield, Nevada townsite; mines, miners, camps, and equipment; horses pulling freight and carriages across the desert; and topographical features of Goldfield and outlying areas. The photographs document the mining boom in the Goldfield area during the early 20th century.