The early Las Vegas, Nevada photographs depict the development and growth of Las Vegas, Nevada from approximately 1900 to 1961. The photographs depict the Stewart Ranch (also known as the Las Vegas Ranch), the Mormon Fort, the Las Vegas Townsite Auction of 1905, Fremont Street, the Union Pacific Railroad depot, the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad depot, and significant buildings. The items described include black-and-white photographic prints, postcards, and negatives; items listed are photographic prints unless otherwise specified. Numbered items inside oversized boxes are photographs within scrapbooks and have been digitized.
Black and white photo of combination of high school first year and District School. First high school graduates. Graduated in three years. They were: Edna Wadsworth, Sue Heaps, Amy Coverwell, Washington Edwards, Elmer B. Edwards, George Quincy Keele, and Lawrence Wadsworth.