The Nevada Consolidated Copper Company Photograph Albums (1906-1907) contain two photograph albums from the mining company's chief engineer's office. The photograph albums include cyanotype and black-and-white photographs depicting the construction of the smelting plant, equipment, railroad, and landscape of Ruth, Nevada.
Tower of Pizza building located on the side of the Boulder Highway in Nevada. The Outpost Motel can be seen in the background. Site Name: Tower of Pizza (Las Vegas, Nev.); Outpost Motel (Las Vegas, Nev.)
From the Nevada Mining Photograph Collection (PH-00361) -- Shown is a miniature photograph of Goldfield, Nevada. Written on the photograph, "Main Street".
From the Harvey's Hotel and Casino Postcard Collection (PH-00367) -- El Cortez Hotel and Casino on 239 West Second Street in Reno, Nevada 89505. 2 1/2 short blocks to center of Reno. Free parking, all air conditioned rooms, $10 doubles, $12 twins. $8 and $10 singles.
From the Dennis McBride Collection on LGBTQ Las Vegas, Nevada (MS-00802) -- Alphabetical research files -- AIDS: Organizations: Aid for AIDS of Nevada (AFAN) file.