B-roll footage of Sands Hotel sportbook, casino floor, Shangria-La Cafe (includes shots of food for menu), watiress interacting with guests, "Charlie Chaplin" costumed figure playing craps; . Original media Betacam, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From The Production Company Audiovisual Collection (MS-00930) -- Digitized audiovisual material file.
Moving Image
Moving Image
Memorandums to file by Ned Mitchell about securing right-of-way for an access road to the Las Paiute Colony from Rocky Mountain Produce. Letter from Acting Superintendent Edward G. March to Chairman of the Las Vegas Colony Ray Anderson about negotiating an easement grant to the Las Vegas Paiute Colony with Rocky Mountain Produce. Letters from Superintendent to Ray Anderson about negotiating a road easement with Rocky Mountain Produce and a government loan for home construction.
Department of the Interior, United States Indian Service 1915 annual report of the conditions on the Moapa River Reservation School. Section I includes reservation law and order. Section II includes reservation health. Section III includes the reservation school. Section IV includes reservation industries (infrastructure). Section VII includes allotments.
Architectural drawing from Homer Rissman Architectural Records (MS-00452).
Architectural drawing from Homer Rissman Architectural Records (MS-00452).
Architectural drawing from Homer Rissman Architectural Records (MS-00452).