On March 8, 1975, Beatrice Scheid interviewed Mary and Bruce Eaton about their lives in Boulder City, Nevada. Mary first talks about her life in the early days of Boulder City, specifically the influences of the churches and schools. She also talks about housing, transportation, and her career as an educator. Bruce (born 1904 in Toronto, Kansas) also talks about his life in Boulder City and his arrival to Southern Nevada as he sought employment in working on the building of Hoover Dam. Bruce talks about his employment with Six Companies, Inc. and discusses topics such as the employment wages, his and Mary’s experiences in building a house, and their experiences in buying a house built by Six Companies. Bruce also talks about the roles of Sims Ely, the city manager of Boulder City, and Frank Crowe, the construction superintendent of Six Companies. Bruce then discusses the issues of worker’s compensation as it related to work on the dam, and he describes, in detail, the cooling system us
On March 19, 1981, Steve Flint interviewed Norman Forsythe (born 1927 in St. Paris, Ohio) about his experiences living in Las Vegas, Nevada. Forsythe talks mainly about his arrival to Las Vegas and his time as a firefighter with, at first, the Las Vegas Fire Department and thereafter the Clark County Fire Department, where he eventually became a battalion chief. Forsythe also talks about the history and development of Las Vegas, the prices of land, some notable fires, including the El Rancho Vegas fire, and what he recalls about the aboveground atomic testing.
Binder containing the proposal for the Xanadu resort, including conceptual sketches, pictures of mockups, and detailed proposal documents. Unbuilt project. Page 75 of proposal is missing. Stamped or labeled on back of photos: "Photography by Julius Shulman. P.O. Box 46206 Los Angeles, California 90046." Julius Shulman, photographer.
Includes meeting agenda and minutes with additional information about senate bills, resolutions, and memorandums. CSUN Session 21 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.