The Nevada Consolidated Copper Company Photograph Albums (1906-1907) contain two photograph albums from the mining company's chief engineer's office. The photograph albums include cyanotype and black-and-white photographs depicting the construction of the smelting plant, equipment, railroad, and landscape of Ruth, Nevada.
The Donald Welch Photograph Collection (approximately 1961-1981) is comprised of photographs of various golf tournaments hosted at the Desert Inn Country Club in Las Vegas, Nevada collected by Welch throughout his career as the Desert Inn's head golf professional. In particular, the collection includes two photograph albums depicting the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) Sealy golf tournament in the early 1970s and a 25th anniversary Desert Inn Country Club commemorative photograph book from 1981.
Letter from Bennett calling attention to Nevada Senate Bill No. 155. Senate Bill 155 gives the Las Vegas Valley Water District power in levying taxes and issuing bonds in ways contrary to its original act. According to Bennett, it would create an unfair tax burden on the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company and should be defeated. Senate Bill 155 is referenced below.
Part of an interview with Lovee duBoef Arum on November 1, 2016. In this clip, Arum discusses her childhood, family life, and what brought her to Las Vegas.