The Southern Nevada Jewish Heritage Project Community Collection is comprised of organizational records, photographs, event programs, and ephemera donated by members of the Southern Nevada Jewish community as part of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas University Libraries’ Southern Nevada Jewish Heritage Project. Materials document the history of the Jewish community and Southern Nevada from 1941 to 2017. The collection provides information about family life, religious rituals, community events, and local businesses and organizations.
Archival Collection
The Kiel Ranch Preservation Committee Records (1973-2005) document the activities of the North Las Vegas Bicentennial Committee (1973-1976) and its successor, the Advisory Board for Kiel Ranch (1978-1995), in their efforts to restore Kiel Ranch, one of the earliest non-indigenous settlement sites in the Las Vegas, Nevada area. The collection contains various official reports on Kiel Ranch, proposals on how to restore Kiel Ranch, chronological files for each year of the project, and newspaper clippings on the status of Kiel Ranch.
Archival Collection
The Ralph Denton Legal Papers (1950-1993) consist of case files and legal briefs of civil rights attorney Ralph Denton. The cases largely involve civil rights issues and property claims in Las Vegas, Nevada. The files include cases representing individuals as well as companies such as Henderson Telephone Company, Lephrechaun Mining Company, and the Jockey Club Casino.
Archival Collection
The Art Wolf Professional Papers (1988-2018) document the career of museum professional and consultant Art Wolf who specialized in supporting cultural heritage of indigenous communities, particularly in the Southwest and Las Vegas, Nevada. Materials document Wolf's work with the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) as a board member, in conference planning, and as a Study Leader for Smithsonian Associates Study Tours. Also included are materials that represent Wolf's involvement as an alumni of the Leadership Las Vegas program and director of the Nevada State Museum. The collection includes some ephemera and invitations to different events held in Las Vegas, Nevada that Wolf was invited to. The collection also includes examples of unsuccessful bids for consultancy jobs through WOLF Consulting and his files as a master's thesis adviser for the Museum Studies program at Harvard Extension School.
Archival Collection
Oral history interview with Stella Kalaoram conducted by Kristel Peralta and Cecilia Winchell on August 2, 2021 for Reflections: The Las Vegas Asian American and Pacific Islander Oral History Project. Stella Kalaoram discusses her childhood in Singapore, the occupations and ethnic diversity of her family, and the four languages she speaks: English, Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil. She shares her immigration journey to the United States with her husband, from Singapore to San Bernardino, California in 1990, and their move to Las Vegas in 2000. Stella also shares her employment experiences as a dental assistant, a housekeeper for the Cosmopolitan Hotel and Casino, and as a shop steward for the Culinary Workers Union. She also talks about contracting COVID-19 and her hospital experience, her family's differing religious faiths, and her translation work to empower the Asian-American community. Subjects discussed include: insurance benefits; Volunteer Organizer (VO); mask mandates; vaccine hesitancy; food traditions; language barriers; Baba and Nyonya cultures.
Oral history interview with Lawrence Chiu Hill oral history interview conducted by Cecilia Winchell, Nessa Concepcion, and Stefani Evans on November 8, 2021 for Reflections: The Las Vegas Asian American and Pacific Islander Oral History Project. Lawrence "Larry" Chiu Hill shares his experiences growing up in Taiwan and immigrating with his family to South America, then moving to Corpus Christi, Texas, and finally Las Vegas, Nevada. He discusses his education at University of Nevada, Las Vegas as a Political Science graduate and his career path moving from casino gaming into the practice of law. Lawrence manages his own firm, Lawrence C. Hill and Associates, and talks about his work, his family, and the community he has created in over two decades of living in Las Vegas.