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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 9, 1979






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 8 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000021. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    AGENDA SENATE MEETING §21 October 9, 1979 4:00 p.m. Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #20 IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Search for Radio Station Manager V. Executive Board Nominations A. Academic Standards Committee, Bob Brown (vote) B. Assistant Intramurals Director Stipend (Lynn Gurzinski), $75.00 (vote) C. Student Representative M.A.F. Committee, Lorraine Alderman VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board B. Entertainment & Programming Board C. Organizations Board 1. Recognition of Organizations: Ski Club, and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity D. Publications Board E. Bylaws Committee 1. Bylaw Proposal #15 (vote) 2. Bylaw Proposal #17 (vote) 3. Bylaw Proposal #18 (vote) F. S.E.F. Committee G. Energy Committee H. Ad Hoc Parliamentary Workshop Committee VII. Old Business A. Vacant Senate Seat, University College (vote) 1. Seth Willick 2. Rebecca Goodrich VIII. New Business A. Presentation, Christian Fellowship, Barry Diamond IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment i MINUTES SENATE MEETING #21 October 9, 1979 4:00 p.m. Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order The twenty-first meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by the Senate President at 4:00 p.m. in Lounge 203 of the Moyer Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Bill Haldeman Ron Deems Marie Ropell Kelly Campbell Carol Tarpley Nina Ross Doroty Halpin "Skip" Kelley Jeff Wild Nick San tor o Sandy Williams Ray Corbett (excused late) Marty Burzinski Chuck Weinberger Dave Craddock Pam Roberts David Martinez Cindy Simia Absent Shawn Carder (unexcused) III. Approval of Minutes #20 David Martinez made a corrections to the Minutes of Senate Meeting #20 on Page No. 4 under the Day Care Center Report stated that any student who wishes to see these Minutes may find a copy of them at the Education College. He also corrected the Minutes under the Hotline Report by having the following figures placed in the Minutes coucerning the Counseline Statistics: Days in Operation: 19; Hours of Operation: 76; Total Number of Calls: 154; Avg. Number of Calls per Night: 8; Peek Hours: 10-12 p.m.; Sex of Callers: 54% Male, 46% Female; Most Frequently Requested Tapes: Depression, Dating Skills, Physical Intimacy, Female Homosexuality. There were no further corrections to the Minutes of Senate Meeting #20; therefore, they stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Search for Radio Station Manager President Campbell informed the Senate that yesterday the Radio Station Manager Search Committee met and the Committee narrowed down the selection to six people. The Committee will be meeting again on Friday and the Committee may be able to narrow down the selection again if he can get in touch with the six people. The next Meeting will be held Friday at 3:00 p.m. in one of the Lounges. President Campbell announced that he and Senate President Alderman just returned from a meeting with various members of the administration concerning the Mandatory Althletic Fee. They met with Mr. Negratti, Roger Barnson, Budget, Dr. Dixon, Dr. Kathy Lyons who will be serving as Chairman of this Committee, and Regent McBtide. The Committee didn't take any action, but it has set a goal of hoping to take this item for action at the December Board of Regents' Meeting. The December Board of Minutes - Senate Meeting ft21 October 9, 1979 Page 4 Regents' Meeting will be held here on the UNLV campus. Vice President Wyman announced that the Fraternity Row Chairman, Greg McKinley, asked her to become a formal member of this Committee. Jeff Wild informed the Senate that the Senate Party has been postponed to the 23rd of October. Aaron Coplin and the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra will be performing here at UNLV in the 16th of October; therefore, the party was postponed for one week. The Senate President informed the Senate of an Additional Agenda Item under New Business, Item B. Constitutional Minimum Workload for Executive Officers; Requesting that the Senate allow her to work up to thirty hours a week. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Academic Standards Committee, Bob Brown (vote) Pam Roberts moved to approve Bob Brown as a member to the Academic Standards Committee, was seconded, and passed with one abstention. B. Assistant Intramurals Director Stipend (Lynn Gurzinski), &75.00 (vote) Cindy Simia moved to approve a $75.00 Stipend for the Assistant Intramurals Director, Lynn Gurzinski, was seconded, and passed with one abstention. C. Student Representative M.A.F. Committee, Lorraine Alderman Senate President Alderman passed the gavel to Senate President Pro Tempore, Jeff Wild at this time. "Skip" Kelley moved to approve Lorraine Alderman as a Student Representative for the M.A.F. Committee, was seconded, and passed with one abstention. At this time the gavel was passed back to the Senate President. VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board There was no report of the Appropriations Board. B. Entertainment & Programming Board Dave Gist read the Minutes of the last Entertainment & Programming Board Meeting held on October 3, at 2:30 p.m. Nina Ross moved to approve those Minutes as read, was seconded, and stood approved. C. Organizations Board Dave Gist read the Minutes of the last Organizations Board Meeting. The Senate was informed that next week the recognition of the Pre Law Association and the Young Democrats will be coming up. The Senate was also informed that the approval of the Sigma Chi's Matching Funds request for $500.00 was made at that Meeting. Cindy Simia moved to approve the Minutes of the last Organizations Board Meeting as read, was seconded, and stood approved. Minutes - Senate Meeting ft21 October 9, 1979 Page 4 1. Recognition of Organizations: Ski Club, and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Dave Craddock moved to approve both the Ski Club and the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity for CSUN recognition, was seconded, and passed unanimously. D. Publications Board Bob Aniello game a report of the last Publications Board Meeting. "Skip" Kelley moved to approve those Minutes as read, and was seconded. Jeff Wild added to those Minutes that Lisa Riley was the recommendation of the Publications Board to fill the vacancy on the Board, and the Executive Board should view here closely for that position. The Minutes stood approved. E. Bylaws Committee There was no report of the Bylaws Committee. 1. Bylaw Proposal #15 (vote) Marie Ropell moved to approve Bylaw Proposal #15 as submitted, and was seconded. Marty Burzinski informed the Senate that he feels that it is important that S.E.F. be a standing committee. He then moved to amend the Bylaw Proposal under Article III, Section B to delete the words "and publish" and change them to "and to publish the results commencing February 1, 1980", and was seconded. Discussion took place and a vote was then taken on the amendment which passed unanimously. The Senate then moved back into discussion on the approval of the Bylaw Proposal as amended, and Bill Haldeman called for the question, was seconded, and passed with thirteen in favor, four opposed, and no abstentions. A vote was then taken on the approve of Bylaw Proposal #15 as amended which passed with one opposed and one abstention. 2. Bylaw Proposal #17 (vote) Marie Ropell moved to approve Bylaw Proposal #17 as submitted, and was seconded. Discussion took place and the Bylaw Proposal #17 passed un-animously . 3. Bylaw Proposal #18 (vote) Jeff Wild moved to approve Bylaw Proposal #18 as submitted, and was seconded. A vote was taken and the Proposal passed with one opposed. F. S.E.F. Committee Marty Burzinski read the Minutes of the last S.E.F. Committee Meeting held on October 9, 1979. Marty Burzinski then moved to approve those Minutes as read, was seconded, and stood approved. He informed the Senate that the next Meeting of the S.E.F. Committee will be held on October 16 at 3:00 p.m. in the Senate President's Office. G. Energy Committee Vice President Wyman read the Minutes of the last Energy Committee Meeting. Pam Roberts moved to approve those Minutes as read, was seconded, and stood approved. H. Ad Hoc Parliamentary Workshop Committee Vice President Wyman informed the Senate that Dr. Cassese is still checking into the funding for this workshop and she will report as soon as possible. Minutes - Senate Meeting ft21 October 9, 1979 Page 4 I. Elections Board Carol Tarpley read the Minutes of the last Elections Board Meeting held on October 9, 1979. Carol Tarpley moved to approve the Minutes of the last meeting as read, was seconded, and stood approved. VII. Old Business A. Vacant Senate Seat, University College (vote) 1. Seth Willick 2. Rebecca Goodrich Carol Tarpley moved to have each candidate address the Senate for not more than three minutes and to vote by secret ballot, and was seconded. Discussion took place and the motion passed with one opposed and one abstention. Seth Willick informed the Senate that he has said everything he has had to say from previous times he addressed the Senate. There were no questions, therefore, he did not address the Senate. Rebecca Goodrich addressed the Senate. A vote was then taken by secret ballot and Seth Willick won the seat receiving nine votes, Rebecca Goodrich received seven votes and there was one abstention. Dave Gist announced that the Homecoming t-shirts will be going on sale tomorrow. VIII. New Business (Ray Corbett arrived at 5:00 p.m. — excused.) A. Presentation, Christian Fellowship, Barry Diamond Barry Diamond addressed the Senate on the recognition of religious organizations. Bill Haldeman objected to the presentation and his objection was noted. B. Constitutional Minimum Workload for Executive Officers; Requesting that the Senate President be allow to work up to thirty hours a week The Senate President passed the gavel to the Senate President Pro Tempore, Jeff Wild. Bill Haldeman moved to approve the waiving of the Constitutional minimum workload for the Senate President to allow her to work thirty hours a week, and was seconded by Carol Tarpley. The Motion passed unanimously. At this time the gavel was passed back to the Senate President. IX. Open Discussion David Martinez suggested that in regards to the recognition of religious organizations, that the Senate wait for the legal opinion and at that time we can resolve this particular situation. David Martinez also suggested that in regards to the M.A.F. question we look into some of the prominent athletes who reside here in Las Vegas for funding for the fee. David Martinez urged the Senators to be aware of such items as Bylaw Proposal #15, especially when the President raises his hand to say something and a call for the question is made. David Martinez requested that the Senate President check into Senator Carder's status as it is of interest to him. Minutes - Senate Meeting ft21 October 9, 1979 Page 4 Carol Tarpley informed the Senate that she objects to having someone object to a presentation in the middle of the presentation. She stated that we should at least give a chance to let the others hear. Marty Burzinski informed the Senate that the typewriters in the Library that CSUN donated for the students, are all broken except for two. He feels that we should check into this. President Campbell informed him that maintenance men are supposed to go and fix them, but the typewriters get broken so often that it does get expensive to have them go up all of the time. Marty Burzinski informed the Senate that the Academic Standards Committee will be meeting tomorrow in Education 354 at 3:00 p.m. Vice President Wyman informed the Senate that everyone should have received a CSUN summary sheet for July 1 through September 30, 1979. (Chuck Weinberger left at 5:15 p.m. - excused.) The Senate was informed that the next M.A.F. Meeting will be held on October 16 at 4:00 p.m. Bill Haldeman also informed the Senate that his objection was a personal objection as to how the presentation was being conducted. President Campbell informed the Senate that we still have a lawyer who comes here every Tuesday from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. to serve the students. So if you here of anyone with any type of legal problems inform them of this service. Nina Ross informed the Senate that she agrees with Carol Tarpley that we should have the common courtsey to let a speaker speak and hear their point of view, whether you believe in it or not. Dave Craddock inquired about setting up the Car Pooling System on computer cards to be distributed during Registration. Vice President Wyman informed him that they tried to do it during the last registration, but they got started a little late. They will look into this and they are also trying to set it up by a zip code system. Pam Roberts informed the Senate that next week a Request for Funds will be coming up from the General Account to help support a UNLV Water Polo Team. Dorothy Halpin informed the Senate that the money will be used mainly to pay the officials. Jeff Wild informed the Senate that the next Senate Party will be held on October 23 at his house. Minutes - Senate Meeting ft21 October 9, 1979 Page 4 X. Adjournment Due to the lack of further business, the twenty-first meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate adjourned at 5:25 p.m. Respectfully prepared by: Rene Bernier Senate Secretary Respectfully submitted by: Lorraine Alderman Senate President SEARCH COMMITTEE Radio Station Manager Monday, October 8,'79 Room 123 - MSU 3:00 p.m. I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m. II. Roll Call Present: Danny Campbell Unexcused Absence: Burt Teh A1 Padderud - Mike Stowers Lise Wyman Susan Mueller Skip Kelley III. Review of Resume's From a list of twenty-three applicants, the search was narrowed down to the six with the highest rating by those present. They were: John B. Wennstrom Stewart Wilber The above two both had experience in radio station management. The other four (4) were: ' { Bill Legere Steven Foltin J. Patrick Crawford Steve Badkiewicz (whose experience was limited to high school only) Bruce Blanchard was removed from the running of any of the remaining applicants due to the lack of a degree. A1 Padderud suggested that Danny Campbell, Chairman, call all of the first selected six to find out if they would accept the salary offered for this position, if they had any other vital information that would determine their eligibility even more, etc. If none of the above six proved they were not willing to accept the position if offered to them at the proposed salary, then the Search committee could go on to review the other applicants and grade them accord ing to their experience. If any of the six agree to accepting the salary offered, then ask them to send additional information. If no one in willing to accept this salary, then they may have to consider raising it in order to get someone with the proper experience to launch the radio station and give proper management. Search Committee Radio Station Manager Monday, October 8, 1979 Page 2 Danny Campbell stated that he wil/ give a report on the top six after he has called them and gotten their opinion of the salary offered, and would ask them to please have some of the people they have given as reference write a letter giving their opinion of their work performance, etc He would also ask each of the six applicants to state what their goals are for the future. IV. Adjournment The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 3:40 p.m. Respectfully prepared by Florida Edwards CSUN Secretary THE YELL University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 (702) 739-3478 News (702) 739-3889 Advertising PUBLICATIONS BOARD MEETING Tuesday, October 9, 1979 2:30 p.m. - Yell Office MSU I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bob Aniello at 2:30 p.m. II. Foil Call Present: Melanie Buckley Guests: Lisa Riley Skip Kelly Dennis Berry III. Opening Ccrrments: Bob Aniello Discussed what Publications Board does. To choose staff and work budget. Introduced a constitutional adjustment to strike 4B frcm Constitution. Passed 4-0. IV. Operating Policy: Discussion of operating policy, t Copy of ASU operating policy for information. Tabled till next meeting. V. Nominations: Dennis Berry nominated Belinda Malone to fill publications vacancy. Melanie Buckley nominated Lisa Riley to fill publications vacancy. Both spoke about qualifications. Dennis Berry moved for secret ballot. Lisa Riley won. VI. Open Discussion: There is a $3,000 grant for a literary publication. Need to decide if Literary Magazine is needed by students. VII. Next week: Will discuss student input of Literary Publication. Will review operating policy. Respectfully submitted by: Bob Aniello, Chairman