As Sari and Paul Aizley recall their separate childhoods and journeys to Las Vegas, their work and volunteer histories, their efforts to build a better society, and their life together they speak to each other as much as they respond to questions about their observations on the growth of the Las Vegas urban environment and their contributions to Southern Nevada's cultural development and a just society. In this interview, Sari and Paul speak to the cross-town commute and the physical UNLV campus in the late 1960s; the growth of the UNLV Math Department; the evolution of UNLV's Continuing Education; the State's North-South funding rivalry as reflected in the built environments of University of Nevada in Las Vegas and in Reno; plans to build a paleontology research facility at Tule Springs National Monument; the Review-Journal's "Ask Jessie Emmet" Real Estate column; local ACLU offices and politics; Fair Housing; transgendered persons; the Nevada State Assembly, and Class! magazine for Clark County high school students. Sari and Paul smile at each other as they recall how the editor/publisher met the bearded math professor and fell in love—despite the fact that they tell slightly different versions of their initial meeting(s). Sari passed away November 1, 2017, three days shy of one year after she participated in this interview.
Collection consists of an original manuscript, "Geology and Ore-Deposition at Tonopah, Nevada" by Josiah Edward Spurr (1870-1950) with hand-drawn diagrams, and letters discussing the donation of the manuscript. The manuscript, which was published in the journal Economic Geology in 1915, is a geological description of the Tonopah mining area; the Tonopah Mining Company is mentioned frequently. It is undated, but the publication date suggests it was written approximately 1913-1915.
Archival Collection
Part of an interview with D. D. Cotton by Claytee White on February 14, 1997. Cotton discusses challenges faced by women dealers and her work as a dancer and dealer in a number of casinos.