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I Advertisement Free Book on Arthritis And Rheumatism How to Avoid Crippling Deformities An am azin g n ew ly enlarged 44 page book entitled “ R heum atism ” w ill be sent free to anyone who w ill w rite fo r it. It reveals why drugs and m edicines give only tem p orary r e lie f and f a i l . to rem ove the causes of the trouble; explains a specialized non-surgical, non-m ed ical treatm ent which has p fo v e n successful fo r the past 33 years. • Y ou incur no obligation in -sending .for this instructive book. I t m ay be the means o f savin g you years o f untold m isery. W rite today to The B a ll Clinic, Dept. 5501, E x c e lsior Springs, Missouri. EDITOR FACES DEPORTATION NEW YO RK, M ay 16 (U P ) -4 Cedric Belfrage, British-born editor of the leftist “ National Guardian,” was arrested and*'taken to Ellis Island on a deportation warrant charging that he had engaged in communist party activity. The distinguished !• looking 49- year-old writer was taken into custody yesterday at the bi-weekly publication’s offices less than 24 hours after Senator Stuart Symington, democrat, Missouri, threatened him With deportation during a senate investigating subcommittee hearing in Washington. Belfrage had refused to tell the subcommittee headed by Senator Joseph. R. -McCarthy', whether he ever had been a communist on the grounds that an answer might tend to incriminate him. HEDGE AGAINST INFLATION • • ' ' ' 1 BUY LIFE INSURANCE Thd following Agents are Accerdited Members of the National Association of Life Underwriters: J. L. BLOCK Sun Life * S. B. K U R TZ Occidental Life . E. HAYS B U R N E TT Pioneer American A U D R Y L IL E Occidental Life » LE IG H ELLSWORTH Beneficial L ife ANG ELO .MAJMZI New York Life W ALLAC E ELLSW ORTH , Beneficial L ife LOUISE B. M cK E N Z IE ' International Life C. V. FU LTO N Paul Revere Life H E R M AN NELSON, m c .l .u . M AU RIC E GEDANCE New Y ork Life Northwestern Mutual LEW IS C. GUNN . Pioneer American GEORGE R APO PO R T Northwestern Mutual H A R L E Y HARMON Calif.-Western States PA R IS U. STEW ART New York Life Ha r l e y h a w k i n s .... Prudential Life W IL L IA M TOWNSEND Equitable Assurance C L IF F H U NTINGTON Northwestern Mutual D E LL WADE Penn Mutual Life S T A N L E Y ISOM New York Life . ' - - LE LA N D W H IP P LE Occidental Life Parade - At 80 MPH - Hits Oakland Las Vegas Review-.Toin^^ 9 Sunday, May 17, 1953 , OAKLAND, Calif., May 15 (IN S) — ' The ll-car parade that wound through three East Bay communities was a bit different from the conventional — it travelled at 80 miles an hour and 10 of the automobiles were police patrol cars. jhe patrol cars from Oakland, Emeryville and Berkeley were pursuing a San Francisco merchant seaman, Cecil C. Robbins, 28, described as a habitual traffic violator. .Be was booked at the Oakland city jail on charges of drunk driving, hit-run, speeding and driving wijjhout lights after the end" of the wild chase,. “ ^During the chase,! police said, the fugitive backed his auto into one radio car and Struck another parked vehicle in Berkeley. (the chase began when Robbins, who carried a driver’s license issued to John T. Valley, refused to stop honking his horn when requested to do so by firemen at an Oakland fire house. They summoned a patrolman who was about to arrest Robbins when he suddenly leaped into his car and took off. Patrolman Henry Tambochia radioed for help and the subsequent chase wound through Oakland, Em eryville and into Berkeley. ------ o—»---- F IX E D LOOK The eyes of an owl are fixed, in its head so that they cannot be moved and, in order to change its line of vision, the bird must’ change its position. -------- -o--------- South Carolina state flag — a crescent and white palmetto tree on a field of sky blue — was designed by Col. William Moultrie in 1777. LAW N CURBING & TREE WELLS SAVES TR IM M IN G NEVADA NURSERY 1785 Bonanza Phone 390 Since 1919 - Moulder of M en.. From Christian Youths • Scholarly; Healthful, Spiritual Academy Program • Pre-School Through Ninth • Year-round School and Summer Camp Grade Dr. John E. BrowH, President Southern California Military Academy 2065 Cherry Ave., Long Beach Phone 8-1185 STEEPLE TOPPLED—Last Monday’s tornado at Waco, Tex., ripped this tower off the First Methodist Church. It landed on a number of parked cars, demolishing four. The ehurch, an old Waco landmark, was badly damaged. The death toll fro m the two Texas tornadoes is expected to reach 120. Virgin Valley News Baccalaureate services for the graduates of> Virgin Valley high school will be held in Mesquite chapel, Sunday, M ay 17. The speaker at the services will be President T. Gay Myers, president of the Moapa Stake of the LDS church. The graduates are; GWen Abbot, La Rue Adams, James Barnum, Verl Frehner, Thirza Hardy, Jerry Hughes, Myron Hughes, Berkley Hunt, Gerald Hunt, Dale Jones, Owen Leavitt, Glenden Reber, II-ene, Reber, Ina Reber, Verland Thurston, Claudia Waite, Jody Woolf, Viola Leavitt Dixon, Grace Ruth and Janice Dodd. The eighth grade graduation and honor* day assembly will be held in Bunkerville, Friday, M ay 15, at 8 PM. The students who graduate from the. eighth grade are: Orin Barnum, Chyrrell Bozeman, Edra Mae Culverwell Hardy, Lawetta Faught, Paul Foster, Clayton Frehner, Richard Hafen, Jacklyn Hardy, Edith Ann Hughes, La Wanna Hughes, Warren Hughes, Sherry D. Houstan, Dawn Marie Huffman, Carolyn Leavitt, Glen Leavitt, Alfred Leavitt, Stanley Peterson, An- NOW APPEARING m |i na Beth Potter, Donald Wharton, Don White, Faye W ittie r and Bos-etta Johnson. The high school graduation will be held Thursday, M ay £1 The Virgin Valley high school band paraded in th eir, new suits Tuesday in Mesquite. They went to the Helldorado in Las Vegas Thursday to march in the parade. The senior class of Virgin Valley high school went to Los Angeles May 1 and 2, for their sluff “ trip” . The junior class of Virgin Valley high school gave their play, “ Men are like Streetcars,” in Bunkerville last Friday and Saturday and it was given at Overton Monday night. The play was under the direction of Mrs. Mable Mitchell, English instructor. A 4-H council meeting was held Friday night in Bunkerville. The girls who entered the fashion parade in Las Vegas modeled their dresses at the 4-H meeting. Roy Leavitt, Claudia Waite, Mrs. Parley Leavitt and Mrs. Walter Weber returned Saturday from a trip to Denver and Golden, Colorado, where they visited with M-Sgt and M rs. Edward Leavitt, and their two small daughters and George Leavitt who is working in a porcelain factory In Golden, Colorado. Victor Knight has been very ill the past week in the St. George Hospital. A farewell testimonial was given in the Mesquite ward chapel Monday night for Dale Frehner and Roy Leavitt who left Tuesday morning for induction into the army; Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Frehner, Mrs. Dale Frehner, Mrs. Parley Leavitt, Claudia Waite, and Mrs. Hertha Leavitt accompanied Dale and Roy to Las Vegas to see them off on the bus for Fort Ord. Alton Houstan is home on a furlough. Mesquite Fire Hits Apartments M ESQUITE, M ay 16—A large two-story building and two apartments belonging to Leo M. (Jack) Hardy burned to the ground here Wednesday in a spectacular fire. Mrs. Hale Woods and two small children were in the building in one of the apartments, but were brought out safely and most of their belongings were saved. Tanks of butane gas exploded in the storeroom of the building making it difficult for the fire department to stop the fire. One apartment, in which Mr. and Mrs. Lister Leavitt had lived until last week when they moved their belongings to Las Vegas before moving to Salt Lake City for the summer, also Went up in flames. The Mesquite fire department kept "the fire under control so it did not Spread to the surrounding area. The building itself was too fa r gone when the alarm was sent in 'to save it. There was no wind, saving nearby buildings. AH contents of the building were a complete loss. -------o—---- STARTED CUSTOM Daniel Webster originated the custom of standing during the playing of .-‘ ‘The Star. - Spangled Banner” when he stood while Jenny Lind sang it. --- ;— o—---- The famous Douglas fir tree is not a fir tree. It is a false hemlock. Neither is the red cedar a cedar. It is a true cypress. Vibra • Bath HYDROMASSAGE Unique in Conception, Action and Results! An Entirely Different Hydrotherapy Action. The Birtcher lp=The special hydrotherapy given by m yriads of bouncing, whirling bubbles produces immediate relief and relaxation. No other type of hydromessage matches this effect. With Vibra-Bath, .the enthusiasm and cooperation of the patient is enlisted instantly aiid the uplift In tone is vividly apparent. The warm air bubbles formed by the Vibra-Bath, present a great density of tiny pressure areas, thousand per minute per square. inch, producing a hydromessage as beneficial a s .it is novel and impossible to obtain by means of the swirling, a g io tea water flux of eonvential apparatus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR SALES A N D RENTAL SERVICE. FOR INFORMATION SEE THE W ESTERN SURGICAL 215 North 3rd St. SUPPLY COMPANY Phone 4933 "CAPTAIN CHINA" “ tripo uC-Wssw," ‘>s- I K - BlAZlNft FOREST" THE VANQUISHED** Jf SHOW TIME A .L m mo WESTERN HOMES are Mr. a»d Mrs. GOING UP! '* * ? '« * » 9 LOW AS BALANCE 795 Mm Jr d o w n ON YOUR CLEAR LOT SEE them at 1.—-Crawford and Dillon • 2.—2249* Crawford 3.-2246 Bassler ARROWHEAD ACRES: ALSO UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN: f t PARADISE VALLEY ? f t C ITY OF LAS VEGAS f t VEGAS WEIGHTS f t CLARK CO U NTY (NORTH LA S VEGAS) l im it e d p r ic e 2295 E-Z TERMS PAYABLE LIKE RENT , . . INCLUDES: • 12” x l6 ” Continuous Reinforced Foundation • 8” Reinforced Cbncrete Block Walls -4” Concrete Floor • Rough Waste Plumbing 2 Doors Hung # #Window Frames • Vents Insulated Roof Installed t Read) for Covering. NOTE; PRICE AND TERMS BASED ON CURRENT M ATERIAL ' ' AND LABOR SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE WESTERN RED-E-COT HOMES J r 711 FREMONT ROOM 14