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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, June 09, 1981






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about the letters, ammendments, memorandums, and directory contract. CSUN Session 11 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000288. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    U"N IVCEORNSSITOYL IDOAF TNEEDV ASDTUAD, LEANST SV EGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway La3 Vegan, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 SENATE PRESIDENT RICK OSHINSKI AGENDA Senate Meeting #27 Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 4 p.m. 6 - 9 - 8 1 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #26 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Academic Standards Committee 1. Semitor Catherine Clay 2. Senator Ginger Clayton B. Elections Board 1. Senator Roberta Burton 2. Senator Lynn Best 3. Senator Lee Drizen C. Finariical Aid Committee 1. Senator Stan Phares 2. Senator David Campbell 3. Senator Pat Thomas D. Grievance Committee 1. Senator MaryBeth Nitzschke 2. Senator David Campbell E. Intercollegiate Athletic Council 1. Senator Steve LoPresti F. Library Committee 1. Senator Kathi Kulesza G. Organizations Board 1. Senator Lee Drizen II. Publications Guidance Committee 1. Senator Steve LoPresti I. Performing Arts Council 1. Sandy Williams J. . Stipends of CSUN Official A. Epilogue Editor- $200 per month (from table) AGENDA SENATE MEETING #27 6-9-81 VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board B. Entertainment and Programming Board C. Election Board D. Organizations Board E. Radio Board F. By-Laws Committee G. Publications Board H. Student Services Committee I. Other Committee Reports VII. Unfinished Business A. Repeal of ByLaw #3 (action) B. Repeal of Bylaw #10 (action) C. Amendment to ByLaw #4 (action) D. Amendment to ByLaw #7 (action) E. Amendment to Bylaw #9 (action) F. Nominations for Vacant University College Senate Seat G. Resolution Regarding State Sales Tax- President Ravenholt VIII. New Business A. Approval of Contract for Student Directory-Senator Clay B. Proposal for free distribution of yearbooks-Steve Bailey C. Nominations for Senate President Pro Tempore IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment UNIVECROSNISTOYL OIDFA NTEEVDA SDTAU, DLEANST VSE GAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 TO: CSUN Senate & Executive Board FROM: Rick Oshinski, CSUN Senate President SUBJECT: Addition to Agenda Please add to the agenda for Senate Meeting #27 under Executive Board Nominations: Intramural Director- Dave Levins. This item was mistakenly left off the agenda. Sorry for any inconvenience this error may have caused. RO/rs J UN 6, 1981 FROM: Dave Levins TO: CSUN SENATE SUBJ: Appointment of Intramurals Director Attached is a copy of the letter I sent to the Executive Board in requesting the Intramurals Directorship. Please review this letter prior to todays senate meeting. I feel that the points I made to the Executive Board also apply to the Senate. My work schedule doesn't allow me to be present for the entire meeting this evening, however, I will be there by 5 o'clock. Dave Levins Asst. Sports Coordinator City of Las Vegas cc; CSUN Executive Board 1097 Westminster Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 May 8, 1981 CSUN Executive Board University of Nevada Las Vegas Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Executives: I am writing this letter in lieu of a formal resume1. Therefore, it will not be necessary for you to sleep through the aspects of my past that have nothing to do with the position I seek. It is my intention to show how you will personally benefit as will the student body if my services are attained. During the previous administration, many key positions with CSUN were filled with un-qualified persons. The reasoning behind these appointments leaves much to speculation. By appointing unqualified people to important positions the previous executive board not only hurt the student body, but they also reduced their own crediability» Therefore, in the interest of CSUN as a whole and yourselves in particular, I hope you will give me the opportunity to advance myself. I seek the position of Intramural Director for CSUN. I feel and hope you will agree that I am amply qualified for this position due to my know-ledge of CSUN and recreational sports. During the summer of 1978 I was appointed to Vice-Chairman of the CSUN Appropriations Board and served for two years in this position. I was Acting Vice-President of Finance during the formation of the 1978-79 budget. In October of 1979 I was elected to the CSUN Senate from the College of Business and Economics. This, I feel, gives me the working knowledge of CSUN that is so important for this position. For the past two years, I have been employed on a part time and full time basis by the City of Las Vegas Department of Recreation and Leisure Activities in the Sports Division. Originally I was em-ployed as a field supervisor and have received regular promotions. At the present time, ray title is Assistant Sports Coordinator. My responsibilities range from scheduling games to dealing with dis-ciplinary problems. I have learned that the key to a good sports program is organization and prior planning. While organization and prior planning are important to the sports aspect of the program, tight controls on equipment and wages are necessary to insure that the student body receives the most for its money. My major area of study at the University is Accounting and I find Cost Accounting particularly fascinating. This aspect of my education could be of value to CSUN in seeing to the correction of gaping flaws in the equipment and wage controls of the Intramurals Program. • - looking forward to working with and contributing to my student government once again, and I hope you will give me the opportunity to do so. I will supply references upon request. uave Levins Assistant Sports Coordinator City of Las Vegas. As Amended by By Taws Committee "June 2, 1931 Bylaw APPOINTMENT OF THE CHIEF JUSTICE AND THE ASSOCIATE CHIEF JUSTICE I. The appointment of the Chief Justice and the Associate Chief Justce shall be based on seniority and experience on the Judicial Council. II. Any Justice serving twelve months or more ori the Council shall be eligible to fill vacancies in the positions of Chief Justice or Associate Chief Justice. III. Provided that none of the Justices have served on the Council for twelve months or more, the Senate shall retain the right to appoint the Chief Justice and the Associate Chief Justice at its discretion. As Amended by Bylaws Committee June 2, 1931 BYLAW #9 IMPEACHMENT COMMITTEE I. A. Upon presentation of i-nneachment charges, the Senate shall establish an Impeachment Comuittee by nominating and appointing its members. B. The Co-mittee shall be composed of one U.N.L.V. administrator and two C.S.U.N. Senators. II. A. The Impeachment Committee shall investigate the charges presented. B. The Committee shall •nake recommendations to the Senate based upon the findings of the investigation. As Amended by Bylaws Committee June 2, 1931 Bylaw #7 REGENTS' GRANTS-IN-AID The Senate shall be enoowered to approve the allocations of Regents' Grants-i.n-aid by a two-thirds vote. MEMORANDUM TO: CSUN Senate and Executive Board FROM: Catherine Clay, Senator, University College RE: Directory Contract DATE: June 5, 1981 At the Senate Meeting #27 on June 9, I will ask the Senate to pass the approval of a Contract for the Student Directory. I have attached a copy of the contract for you to look over and I would be glad to answer any questions you might have about it. Don't hesitate to contact me at 870-1544, or before the meeting Tuesday. CC/cc DIRECTORY CONTRACT Contract made June 9, 1981, between Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, whose address is 4 50 5 Maryland Parkway; Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 herein referred to as Institution, and University Publishing, P.O.Box 5, Beaverton, Oregon 97075. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE INSTITUTION Granting exclusive rights to University Publishing to publish the directory of students and/or faculty for each school year, Furnishing lists of names to University Publishing on or before of each year corrected before receipt of the lists by University Publishing, but it is agreed that University Publishing shall at no charge Type Set the directory and lists of names, addresses, telephone numbers and other provided information given by CSUN, Furnishing photogranh or art work in not more than four process ink colors for the front cover reproduction, and Providing a letter of agreement from an authorized a«ent of the Institution which may be used by Ur.iversity Publishing in promotional efforts, UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING SHALL Provide to the Institution 5000 directories for distribution by the Institution, on or before Include in the directories the lists of students, faculty and departments as furnished by the Institution. IT IS AGREED that University Publishing shall include advertising in the directory as in its judgment is necessary. This agreement is for the one school year above mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract the day and year above written. UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING Bv CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA Gregory .Rice, University LAS VEGAS Publishing Business Manager Ry MINUTES Senate Meeting #27 Moyer Student Union Building Room 20 3 4 p.m. 6- 9-81 I. Call to Order Senate President Oshinski called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Members in Attendnace Patrick Malloy Cathy Clay Cathy Powell MaryBeth Nitzschke-excused absent Kathi Kulesza Stephen LoPresti Karen Cohen Patrick Thomas-excused absent Robert Scavetta Derrek Yelton David Campbell-excused absent Jeff Wild-excused late Bill Haldeman Ginger Clayton-excused late Roberta Burton Andy Levy Lynn Best Lee Drizen III. Approval of Minutes #26 There being no additions or corrections the minutes of Senate Meeting #26 stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. President's Announcements President Ravenholt stated that the would be requesting a work waiver from the Senate due to that fact that he could not obtain a 15-hour work week job. Also, the Resolution to the Senate concerning the State Sales Tax will be presented at Senate Meeting #28. B. Vice-President's Announcements Vice-President Roberts reported that the Appropriations Board meeting will be held on June 11, 1981 in her office at 7:30 p.m. and the Senate will be receiving proposed copies of the budget. She also informed the Senate that she will be contacting the ByLaws Committee with regard to introducing an amendment to the ByLaws committee regarding the procedure for obtaining GPA checks on Student Government positions. Guest Present John Wennstrom Dr. Carhart Senate Meeting #27 6-9-81 Page 2 C. Senate President's Announcements Senate President Oshinski announced the addition to the agenda of item K under Executive Board Nominations, Dave Levins-Intramurals Director. Senator Stan Phares has resigned from the Senate and nominations for this seat will open at the next Senate meeting. Senate President Oshinski announced that there is an area directly across from his office with a desk, typewriter, and telephone that will be avaiable for Senator's use. There will be a Senator's party next week at Rick Oshinski's apartment. Also Lynn Best and Lee Drizen are to meet with Senate President Oshinski after the meeting. Executive Board Nominations A. Academic Standards Committee There was a motion to approve Catherine Clay and Ginger Clayton as members of the Academic Standards Committee. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. There was a motion to approve B-I as a whole. The motion was seconded. B. Elections Board 1. Senator Roberta Burton 2. Senator Lynn Best 3. Senator Lee Drizen C. Financal Aid Committee 1. Senator David Campbell 2. Senator Pat Thomas D. Grievance Committee 1. Senator MaryBeth Nitzschke 2. Senator David Campbell i E. Intercollegiate Athletic Council 1. Senator Steve LoPresti F. Library Committee 1. Senator Kathis Kulesza G. Organizations Board 1. Senator Lee Drizen H. Publications Guidance Committee I. Senator Steve LoPresti I. Performing Arts Council 1. Sandy Williams The motion to approve items B-I passed. V. Senate Meeting #27 6-9-81 Page 3 J. Stipends for CSUN Official A. Epiloque Editor-$200 per month (from table) It was moved to remove this item from the table. The motion was seconded. The motion passed. Discussion took place. The motion passed unanimously to approve the stipend of $200 per month to the Epiloque Editor. K. Intramurals Director There was a motion to table the approval of Dave Levins as Intramurals Director. The motion was seconded. The motion failed with five in favor and seven against. There was a motion to approve David Levins as CSUN Intramurals Director. The motion was seconced. The motion passed. VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board Chairman, Roberts, report was submitted and announcement of the meeting of June 11, 1981 was announced and the proposed budget would be submitted. B. Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman, Dave Gist, read the minutes of the meeting. He stated that he planned to have 60 events per session and would be looking for a person to fill the Vice-Chairman position. The first program planned with for June 21st a Blue Grass Rock Concert. There was a motion to approve. The motion was seconded. There being no further additions or corrections the report stood approved as read. C. Elections Board Chairman, Greg Goussak, read the minutes of the Election Board. The board disccussed the Election Rules and the idea of have a Beer Bash to promote the elections.The board set the Senate Election Dates September 21, 1981 OPen Senate filing, September 28, 1981 Close filing, September 28, 1981 Manadatory Candidates meeting, October 7, Candidates Rally, October 10, 1981 Beer Bash, and October 14 & 15 Senate Election. There was a motion to approve. The motion was seconded. There was a motion to delete the beer bash. The amendment failed. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. There was a motion to suspend with the rules and move into New Business, item B. Proposal for free distribution of yearbooks. The motion was seconded. The motion passed. VIII. New Business B. Proposal for Free distribution of yearbooks-Steve Bailey Epiloque Editor, discussed the idea of giving a free yearbook to CSUN students, the yearbook would be the 1980 Epiloque, this would enable Steve to purchase more yearbooks for 1981 which would lower the cost. Senator Scavetta moved to approve the concept for the book distribtuion, however, further investigation would be needed and reported to the Senate. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with ten in favor, one opposed, and four abstentions. Senate Meeting #27 6-9-81 Page 4 VI. Committee Reports E. Radio Board Senator Cohen read the minutes of the meeting held on June 6, 1981. The board approved the source of revenue of $7 5,000 for building construction. The board approved the dismissal of George Greco. There was a motion to approve. The motion was seconded. Senator Haldeman moved to table the minutes. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with twelve in favor, one opposed, and one abstention. F. By-Laws Committee Senator Cohen read the minutes of the Report. The committee submitted Bylaws #8, and #11 to the Senate to be voted on at the next Senat meeting. There was a motion to approve. The motion was seconded. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. G. Publications Board There was no report. H. Student Services Committee There was no report. I. Preschool Meeting Senator Lynn Best informed the Senate that she did attend the meeting. Curriculum guideline and activities were discussed and the money offered by CSUN. The next meeting will be on June 15 at 7:00 p.m. VII. Unfinished Business A. Repeal of Bylaw #3 Senator Wild moved to approve the repeal of Bylaw #3. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously (see attached to original) Senate President Oshinski commented the Senate on the repeal of ByLaw #3. B. Repeal of Bylaw #10 Senator Wild moved to aprrove the repeal of Bylaw #10. The motion was seconded. The motion passed. (see attached original) C. Amendement to Bylaw #4 Senator Wild moved to approve. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. D. Amendment to Bylaw #7 Senator Wild moved to approve. The motion was seconded. The motion passed. (see attached to original.) E. Amendment to Bylaw #9 Senator Wild moved to approve the Bylaw #9 as amended. The motion was seconded. President Ravenholt moved to send"this Bylaw back to committee. The motion was seconded. The notion failed. The amendment to Bylaw #9 passed with fourteen in favor and one opposed. Senate Meeting #27 6-9-81 Page 5 F. Nominations for Vacant University College Senate Seat Senator Best moved to nominate Larry Hamilton. The motion was seconded. There was a motion to close nominations on the one vacant University College Senate seat. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unaimously. VIII. New Business A. Approval of Contract for Student Directory-Senator Clay Senator Clay moved to approve the contract for a CSUN Student Directory according to the contract there is no charge to be paid by CSUN. It was discussed on how the names and numbers will be obtained through the registrar's office. Senator Clayton called for the question. The call for the question passed with twelve in favor, two opposed, The main motion passed with twelve in favor, two opposed, and one abstention. C. Nominations for Senate President Pro Tempore Karen Cohen, Bill Haldeman, Jeff Wild, Cathy Clay and Lee Drizen were nominated for CSUN Senate President Pro Tempore. The Senate will vote on these nominations at the next Senate meeting. IX. Open Discussion Marty Burzinski talked about campus tours offered by the Admissions office, anyone interested in giving tours on campus please contact Lorraine Alderman or see Marty after the meeting. Senator Clay asked that any Senator who voted against the directory to see her after the meeting. It was discussed that Chairman of the Elections Board is going beyond is permitter to research concepts until approved by the board. / Dave Levins, the CSUN Intramurals Director gave a brief talk to the Senate. X. Adjournment Senate President Oshinski ajourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Repectfully Submitted by, Respectfully Prepared by, Robin Starlin CSUN Senate Secretary Ri'ck Oshinski CSUN Senate President