In 2015, Todd S. Polikoff was named the President & Chief Executive Officer of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. (The organization is now known as Jewish Nevada). Todd is a graduate of Stockton University and earned his MBA at Cleveland State University. He has three children: Samuel, Shira and Jordan. Born in 1971 to a steelworker and hairdresser, Jack and Judy Polikoff, Todd grew up in Philadelphia, became a bar mitzvah there, and shocked his mother when he explained he was putting college on hold to move to Israel. In addition to stories about these life memories, Todd also traces his career path to decision-making to a meaningful trip to Moscow a where a defining moment helped him understand his own relationship with Judaism. To the time of this interview, Todd has invested over twenty years in leadership of Jewish Federation and AIPAC in states that include New Jersey, Delaware, Texas, Ohio and Nevada.
On March 1, 1987, Hank Baran interviewed John Graves (born February 21st, 1938 in San Diego, California). This interview covers the gaming industry overall, and also highlights, women in gaming, more specifically. Mr. Graves also discusses the hotels on the Las Vegas Strip, McCarran Airfield, and golfing in Southern Nevada.
From the Dennis McBride Photograph Collection (PH-00263) -- LGBTQ+ events and organizations in Las Vegas, Nevada -- Digital images file. Notes from the donor, Dennis McBride: Kelvin Atkinson came out on the floor of the Nevada Senate on April 22, 2013 while arguing against the state's proscription of same-sex marriage. On October 9, 2014 Atkinson and his partner, Sherwood Howard, became the first same-sex couple to marry in Nevada. Atkinson resigned his office on March 5, 2019 over accusations he misappropriated campaign funds for his personal use. He was convicted of fraud and sentenced to prison on July 18, 2019. ... Ruben Kihuen was later elected to the U. S. House of Representatives from Nevada's District 4. Accused of sexual misconduct he did not seek re-election in 2018. Individuals identified by the donor, Dennis McBride: Kelvin Atkinson [Nevada State Senator, District 4, African American, Democrat (gay)]; David Parks [Nevada State Senator, District 7, Democrat (gay)]; James Healey [Nevada State Assemblyman, District 35, Democrat (gay)]; Heidi Swank [Nevada State Assemblywoman, District 16, Democrat]; Ruben Kihuen [Nevada State Assemblyman, District 10, Democrat]; Tony Clark