Violation notice (front and back) informing violators that if they violated the ordinance again they may be arrested (City Ordinance No. 218)
Notice from the state engineer that Robert B. Griffith and the Las Vegas Land and Water Company were both being called to a hearing to discuss their conflicting applications.
Bennett proposed that they offer to sell water at a wholesale rate to Robert Griffith to resolve the conflicting applications issue.
Directions to have the Las Vegas Ranch contour mapped in order to figure out the most efficient irrigation scheme.
Suggestions of a few minor changes that would allow the Las Vegas Ranch to become profitable in a few years time, as it has the essential fundamentals.
McWilliams' handwritten letter in which he explains that the discrepancy in water measurements of the Las Vegas Creek stem from differences in what the surveyors refer to as a miner's inch. Colonel Moore's reply, mentioned in the letter is referenced below.
C. O. Whittemore, General Attorney for the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company recommends that if the Creek runs off the ranch property at any time, that the creek either be diverted or piped.
Contract negotiations for connecting a new subdivision to the water company mains.
Discussion of the request to Mayor Cragin to extend water mains south on the Las Vegas Strip for fire protection.
Circular letter from the Las Vegas Land and Water Company endorsing City Ordinance No. 247