Workers installing sewer lines disturbed the water mains, which would cause many future problems, and Bracken was asking the company lawyer how to proceed.
Bracken informing Clark of the steps he had taken to prepare the railroad and the city of Las Vegas for the 24 hours without water that would be required to fix the damaged pipeline.
Two hotels complained that they had no water pressure on their second floors, and Bracken discussed the possibility of purchasing a well to boost the pressure in the system.
Bracken appraising Clark of a complaint by the City Commission to the Nevada Public Service Commission and its resolution.
Whittemore stating that the reservoir at the Las Vegas Springs should be covered and a pipeline run since the open water system was an epidemic and a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Lawyer notifying the state engineer that Peter Buol had applied for some water from the Las Vegas Creek, which entire length and the springs were on land owned by the railroad on the basis that some of the water was wasted and therefore available.
Offer from the Las Vegas Valley Water District to purchase all water production lands and facilities owned by the Union Pacific Railroad and subsidiaries
Transcribed Notes: Handwritten on page 1: including $127600(?) for Hyde Park installation and $40 000 for mis equip
Notice of the requirement of special registration by property and corporation land owners in Clark County to vote in the 1953 bond issue for the Water District. A list of registrars and registration places included on second page. The bond issue announcement and an itemized list of proposed expenditures to be paid from the bonds are referenced below.
Letter written by the Director of Nevada's Division of Public Health Engineering to Senator McCarran informing of sewerage problems in Reno and the Nevada statutes regulating metering of water in larger Nevada towns like Las Vegas and Reno.
Cost of Civilian Conservation Corp work in the Moapa Valley and the benefits accrued to the residents of the valley.