From Union Pacific Railroad Collection (MS-00397). The scales are noted in the drawing. The bottom corner of the drawing states, "Union Pacific System L.A. & S.L.R.R. Co. Standard Coal House For Section Quarters. Type-A. Ass't Chief Engineer's Office, Los Angeles, Calif. Drawn By W.V.L-B. Traced By W.B.L-B. Checked By F.W.G. Date Nov 8, 1923. Scales As Noted. Revised Nov. 19, 1926. Drawing No. 15119".
Also written on the drawing: "Built at: Cima, Cal. 1925, Brant ' ', Hayden ' ', Moore ' ', Jean, Nev. '. To be built at Elora, Calif. 1926, Desert ' ', Roach, Nev, '. To be built at Las Vegas, Nev., Dry Lake ', Moapa ', Modena, Utah, Lund ', Milford ', Islen, Nev. 1928 [crossed out, Wann ' [crossed out]."
From Union Pacific Railroad Collection (MS-00397). The scales are noted in the drawing. The drawing shows the First Floor and Basement Plans. The bottom corner says "Union Pacific System. L.A. & S.L.R.R. Hotel & Passenger Station At Caliente, Nevada. John Parkinson & Donald B. Parkinson Architects. 420 Title Insurance BLDG., Los Angeles. Cal. Drawn L.W.F. Checked. Traced L.W.F. Date 2-25-22. Scale 1/8" = 1'0". Job 162. Sheet 1. Revised 2-28-22. 5-4-22."
From Union Pacific Railroad Collection (MS-00397). The drawing shows the roof and second floor plans. Scales are noted on drawing. The bottom corner says "Union Pacific System. L.A. & S.L.R.R. Hotel & Passenger Station At Caliente, Nevada. John Parkinson & Donald B. Parkinson Architects. 420 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Drawn R.D.M. Checked S.S.S. Traced R.D.M. Date 2-25-22. Scale 1/8" = 1'0". Job 162. Sheet 2. Revised 3-31-22. 4-25-22. 5-4-22."
Sections, details, and elevations of the south end hotel building for the 1967 renovations of the New Frontier Hotel and Casino. Includes revsion dates and key plan. Original medium: pencil on parchment. Socoloske, Zelner and Associates, structural engineers; Ira Tepper and Associates, mechanical engineers; J. L. Cusick and Associates, electrical engineers.
Site Name: Frontier
Address: 3120 Las Vegas Boulevard South
The Mavis Eggle "Books as They Were Bought" collection provides a broad overview of printed material from the 1780s through 1949. Gathered by book collector Mavis Eggle, the collection serves as a social history of books, newspapers, and ephemera. Physical characteristics of the books include a variety of printer's marks, publishers' bindings, bookplates, and early subscription libraries. The collection's titles are a diverse and creative gathering of poetry, children' literature, religious texts, broadsides, newspapers, and popular fiction. Together, the items in the Mavis Eggle "Books as They Were Bought" collection illustrate changes in literature, printing and publishing, advertising, and book history over a time period of more than 170 years.
Archival Collection
The Alan Byron Olson Photographs (approximately 1933) consist of one negative album containing 100 photographic negatives taken by Alan Byron Olson around 1933 that depict the Hoover Dam (then known as Boulder Dam) and the Boulder City Hospital. Olson was a medic for the Boulder City Hospital and the images also depict various hospital staff and other locations related to Hoover Dam. The collection also includes digital copies of the negatives.
Archival Collection