The Las Vegas City Commission instructed the city attorney to demand that the Las Vegas Land and Water Co. proceed immediately to augment the present water supply.
Transcript of a radio public service announcement reminding people to turn off their sprinklers at midnight and leave them off until 5 am or risk a citation from the police.
Bracken recommending that if Las Vegas was successful in getting water from Lake Mead through Basic Magnesium Incorporated that the artesian water be used for domestic purposes exclusively and the other for irrigation.
Architectural plans for the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada from 1972. Printed on mylar. The MGM Grand Hotel was sold to Bally's Corporation to become Bally's Las Vegas in 1985. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect; Taylor Construction Co. Site Name: MGM Grand Hotel Address: 3645 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV
Elevations and typical railing details for the headliner theatre in the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Includes revisions and key plan. Printed on mylar. The MGM Grand Hotel was sold to Bally's Corporation to become Bally's Las Vegas in 1985. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect; C. L. Leviste, delineator; Taylor Construction Co., Interior Design Division. Site Name: MGM Grand Hotel Address: 3645 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV