The franchise granted the water company would not need to be extended for them to take over the pipeline to the Industrial Unit No. 1. Letter has a date stamp from the L.A. & S.L. R.R. Co., Office of the Industrial Engineer, Los Angeles, Calif.
The Las Vegas and Tonopah Railroad Blueprints consists of twenty-four of the original thirty blueprints as part of the Interstate Commerce Commission (I.C.C.) Valuation Index Section I. They are labeled "Right-of-Way & Track Map, Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad" and dated June 30, 1915. The blueprints contain four miles of railroad lines per sheet with a scale of 6 3/4 inches per mile. The collection also includes one sheet from the Bullfrog Goldfield Railroad company, which used the track, yard, and facilities of the Las Vegas and Tonopah and Railroad company between Beatty and Goldfield, Nevada.
Discussion of what the sale to the Water District will mean for taking water from the shop well and water on the Las Vegas Ranch. Reference to proposal draft is noted below.