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RTHE ORIGINAL ?╟÷ omeikF PRESS CLIPPINGS ?╟÷ 220 W. 19A St., NEW YORK 11, N.Y. Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 This Clipping From WEST SIDE NEWS NEW YORK, f% Y. Tell Tales By SHIRLEY EDER COAST TO COAST CHATTER: JANE POWELL'^ hfcsband, Geary Steffen, who is supposed to have goaded Jane into looking for another man, by showing interest in another woman, is going to demand half of Jane's money under the Calif ornia State law of community property. . . . Unimpeachable sources' report FDR JR. will NOT be a candidate for the New York Mayorality. . . . PAT WARP of Jelke fame is not interested in a trucS driver or in a cab driver as has been rumored. SHe says ?║|^J| about to go into the interior decorating business. Indidenfealfe. ^understand most of the other V. gals in ?·he J?·lke case are back at the same old stand doing business again. . gsj Apjpowiipp^ ERNIE MARTIN, who should know, since he is tl^^rc4vtce?·?Θ╝^he show, there is no backstage feud going on bet^pati Lp$|i|gtti. GWEN VERDON . . . "GUYS AND DOLLS" is anlRas^?╜%i London. I wonder if in the lobby of the 'theatre they' sel^^^plations of the American used in this wonderful sh.dw. ..;"fc:;.,.:^d^S!0URROWS, who wrote "Guys and Dolls," answtfed^thu)8$f '^^pLL .asked if he were going to attend the corofiationr2iSaw,,ls,h^tl^j|fuld I be interested in the event, I know who's ggi?║ra&"tp^e^^^k. . ?? An item says that ROY ROGERS is^ptasan!^ a wonderful time deep sea diving in Mexico. Hmmn, w^S&'fiiiow they teach his horse to swim under water! KATHRY^j^^AYSON is going to Spain for just four days if she finish|||^ffciss Me Kate" in time. T.W.A. is running a jaunt to the land|g|j;the bull fight and have invited Katie and ANNE MILLER' .;^^6me along. ; , , - NELSON ROCKEFELLER is going to ge^MpPned again just as soon as he is able to get a divorce. If BOfO is smart she will probably get any amount she asks for* bejgfeuse he's that anxious to remarry. , . . Did you think MARGARET TRUMAN'S snide remarks about her father, on thejBEiPjE show this week, in good taste? I didn't! She was cuM^pfien she danced and sang. But she's been around Berle so'i^ufi she now muggs like he does. A big de^-is'cooking Vith MIMI BENZELL for a Broadway musical if shj^&antl? tt.lf.'. Don't miss the film "YOUNG BESS." It's done injpl^site- taste. . . . INGRID BERGMAN plans to visit her d||pmlsr, Pia, in the fall. She keeps putting off her trip/She^s|^P^Ainericans are noted softies. I'm sure most of her Amewc|s# "ftubiic have forgotten all about "L'^ff^ Rosse- linni." . :*r;gp?·j^&. PECK is doing Hollywood to%n with, a young lawyer. HilsNUig GREGRY IpCK is doing Europe with a varied- assortmenp|df.T^irfei/"Yet; both deny separatioC" rumors. Guess I'm the oy-fa^ who believes in -:&&^ old-fash ioned/ type00fS&vxMgeJ^^mk'J' ->&mmBamMmaMRtt?╟÷?╟÷?╟÷mKHm I sV^b^^ASfelA MARJA l^BERGHETTfc *$Hl sing for two weeks a?Θ╝Sfia?? safo/?╜i fittftajyag^-ae W"-0"g and will be backed by an 18-piece .^^^t^^Gx^ete^h^ her father; I r^in^mtoer when ^h*s ?&$&&. Pg^S^yfe^. coheejf and was accompanied on the ^^^l^^^^S^^^'S^^^ **ad feature of the concert was hef^^Sl^^^^ianpTp^ing. . . . qghe ex-MRS. JOE DIMAG- Giwls wol&SngsML^r ar*: l^allery iaji Holly wood. . . . The next J&$rs. Joe EtMag^^^x^pihsidered qiite a work of art herself. Jptch, I ims^Ma0Xt^ MONROE The only thing holding l|i-ifche Bill gi^^P;J^^lhd's brother) MONICA LEWIS nup- tials is the ^ac|╜| ?·$&- is a divorcee and Bill is Catholic. Ii they can ^et the church to call the divorce an annulment, they'll wed. , . ?? . 'Tr;-jS;,m . ,VERONIC^^|UKf:/if you read this, there are lots of people iookffigTJ&r ym. B?Θ╝TOpf$'has temporarily left town without noti- fying^ij? ofeJ^^-1^^' friends. If you come to" New York, and if you li^sfo MplprllK,"the place where you will see more celebrities in one rScWat one time is "SARDI'S/' People believe it is a gathering place for stage biggies flfflS^ TPhe other night I saw JACKIE COOPER with JANIS PAIGE, WILLIAM HOLDEN, LENA HORNE, PAUL DOUGLAS, JEAN ARTHUR, VIC DAMONE and on and on and on. The menu at Sardi's is not the -^ THB ORIGINAL?║WB ROMEIKt) um PRESS CUPPINGS ?√ß?√ß I 220W.19ASt.iNEWYORKll NY I Td. CHelsea 3-8860 ' I Cir. (D 2,179,693) This Clipping From NEW YORK, N. Y. DAILY NEWS Brbaduiau By DANTON WALKER tJ I Manhattan Memoranda President Ike to take off on another grass roots trip shortly (prob- | (' ably following the Bermuda Big Three meeting), while brother Milton 1 jj will expand his current South American tour to a six weeks' visit to | 1 at least 10 countries. ... It doesnt' sound plausible, but Washington I I Hears that Adlai Stevenson will be offered a post by the present Ad- J I ministration on his return to the U. S. . . . A western Senator may not j ?√ß seek reelection for the unusual reason that his former wife is an out- I I and-out Commie. . . . Britain's Red-tainted Electrical Trades Union has ?√ß acquired the famous 400-year-old Esher Place mansion in Surrey as a ?√ß training ground for labor leaders. ?╜S^*''!Jm \ * ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ The DuMont video network, as a public service, will show pictures ] ?√ß?√ßnd descriptions of the 10 most wanted criminals in the U.S., starting 1 June 29. . . . FBI men vanishing into the jungles of Central and South I America on the trail of gun smugglers, who get their stuff into Mexico, | I then go underground. .... A quiet East Side hotel is the headquarters I for a poker mob that specializes in taking wealthy out-of-town merchants. .. . Political talk around Sakele's in Brooklyn is that Democratic i leader Kenneth Sutherland is going to try to take the show away from Bronx Boss Flynn when the five county leaders sit down to pick, a mayoralty candidate. . . .Mrs. Phyllis Ughetta, who is racing a stable of horses at the metropolitan tracks this Summer, is the wife of Brook- j lyn Supreme Court Justice Henry Ughetta. . . . Sportsman John D. i j Hertz, celebrating his 50th wedding anniversary in California, hired private planes to fly 50 friends from New York for the party. ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ Senator Tobey's committee investigating the New Orleans waterfront rackets, will reveal a tieup between dock mobs and Commies. Similar links between Reds and criminals on the West Coast and (Hawaii will also be disclosed. . . . Will Rogers Jr. sold'his West Coast {newspaper in order to pursue his acting career. Now he'll impersonate a newspaperman in a new video show (CBS) titled "Rogers of the Gazette." . . . Sharman Douglas got a deglamorizing aboard a boat off jthe California coast. Fell down, broke her nose. ... It took a bit of sleuthing on the part of a NEWS reporter to discover that the gal who ; | went into bankruptcy under the name of Vasiliki Mavroyiorgiou was | better known as Betty George. Her biggest creditor is her manager, Sol | pepper. . . . The unusual experiences of a female guide for the UN will j enliven the Herb Sheldon (WNBT) show Thursday. . . . Disk jockey Bea Kalmus has quit her behind-the-mike career to head the talent I development department of a new actors' agency. ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ i I Program sellers at the two Feuer & Martin shows, "Guys and Dolls" ?√ßnd "Can Can," are being picketed because they don'O^ng to a union, ... One of New York's major department stores _ff Window to exploiting the Polly Adler book. . . .3?║^ I ??pens this Fall it will be known as Maxim's. . -*^jg J tine Cromwell) are shopping in Paris for a 1< one entire JLaRue re- lob Elljfes (Chris-1 for a dfH nite club. . . . Jack ("Tobacco Road") Kirkland to adaiffphe Nelson jpfgren novel, I "The Man with the Golden Arm," for Broafflfajr. , . . Jajp Wyman the ! latest movie star to succumb to offers fraP"the Sandjgh Las Vegas. ' Will do a song-and-dance act starting Ai^ * ?╟≤ J Howard Dietz and Arthur Schwar|| lyrists and tunesmiths, will unite again m of association. Dietz, now advertising a'lj MGM, will accompany Schwartz around^ piano and Howard singing (or talking) the words of their more famous I numbers, to plug' the Astaire movie, "The Band Wagon." . . . Joseph j mm&*mmBfiM.n :_ Naples, with \. **1 Broadway's. > a quartegjgPHrfury I Hty vice president for j ^country; Arthur playir Pasternak, currently filming "The Flame and the Flesh" Lana Turner and Pier Angeli, recalls that the last time he was in Italy I ! shooting a picture|^$ji?╜ in 1929 when he turned out "Two Souls." The 1 hooting a r'f^vjr*?╟÷ . ?╟?;. ?╟÷ I technical adviser was Cardinal Pacelli, now Pope Pius XII. :j race for the title role^|fe*'Richard III," considered one of the acting I plums of the year, has narrowed down to Laurence Olivier and Marlon j Brando. . . . Orson Welles won't return here to team up with Billy I Rose. He has signed to direct and star in a movie for Sir Alexander | Korda instead. . . . Israel to have a major fair, first in the country's ' history, Sept. 22-Oct. 14, with Jerusalem as the center. RTHE ORIGINAL _ omeikF PRESS CLIPPINGS ?╟÷ 220 W. 19th St., NE W YORiK 11, N.Y Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 Cir. (D 536,994) (S 1,107,545) This Clipping From, CHICAGO, T&llil HERALD-AMERIC^ ; Louella O. Parsons Jane Powell's Break BY LOUELLA O. PARSONS /fgBS^ Motion Picture Editor, International News Service. HOLLYWOOD, June 15?╟÷Jane Powell feels so miserable with a bad cold plus the emotional upheaval of divorc- H ing Geary Steffen that she may cancel ?╜-"""?╟÷ two night club dates and rest until she starts "Hit the Deck" with Vic Damone In August. Latest developments in the impasse between Jane and Geary are: He packed up, bag and baggage, and moved out of the house over the weekend. feS^P Jane puts the home up for sale tomorrow. It's too big. It's been agreed that she keeps custody of the children, with Geary having rights of visitation. But the division of community property hasn't been settled, and that's still the big legal hassle. jams roweix . JACK WARNER is telling the world (if he'd told me first^he'd have ft better break in this column) that he has closed a deal ior the remake of "Moby Dick" to star Gregory Peck. ?. The great sea classic, made first with John Barrymore, will be produced and directed by John Huston under the banner of Moulin Productions and released through War- fieri. Elliott Hyman, head of Moulin, closed the deal with The picture, which won't start uflJf^Tsprinjf, will have all the trimmings, Three-I^??adCjiran, Wagierscope and the all-media camera-^ai^^B??wng else^^i can think of. WE STAY^pnat -tjyjanda -Hoj^fn Las Vegas, a beautiful spot with^xcelpp &r*&xg0&nks to the fine guiding hand of JpJek Ejpatter. ^r Durinapme dj^.the po^s the attraction. At night, j the suppeinroom-f jamra^with customers who love both | hot andJ^raticfeusJ^r^Metropolitan Opera star Robert | MeirUI JFops thCs^revery night. He's followed by that I sizzling|master oMme blues, Louis Armstrong, who brings f the piaf? dovga^m a heap. S^fi GEORGIA AND RED SKELTON are very much dis- if turbed over reports they're having trouble again. I saw | them at the Flamingo having dinner with the Abe Last- L folgels. Abe is working on a opsl for Red, who staged a m very funny impromptu show. iliC* Hffi;''?Σ≤ Rose Marie, whom X haven't seen since she was a child "?╜?╜?╜rtrrrj#>r. is the star of the revue there and she has great *lv*-~ U J??J 9QJM M?╟? P*mmO0