Essay by Roosevelt Fitzgerald focusing on demographic changes in southern Nevada from 1940-1945 and the war industry's effect on black employment, particularly the impact of Basic Magnesium, dated 1982.
U.S. Senator Pat McCarren and his wife Martha McCarran touring the Basic Magnesium, Inc. plant. From original description: "Seven million dollars in silver bus bars ?' x 8" lengths, 2 foot to 40 foot long (Due to lack of copper)."
Left to right: 1. U.S. Treasury Guard, 2. Victor V. Kunkel, 3. F.O. Case, 4. Senator Pat McCarran, 5. Pop Mooney, and 6. U.S. Treasury Guard standing in front of silver bus bars at Basic Magnesium Inc. plant.
"Air view, east, metal producing plant, with trailer camp and construction boarding camp in background. McNeil Construction Co. Magnesium Plant. Las Vegas, Nevada. 9-8-42. 1118." Basic Magnesium Inc. manufacturing plants were built in an unincorporated area southeast of Las Vegas. That area is now Henderson, Nevada.