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University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Who's in Charge Here?

Recommended Grade Level(s)

  • 6-8
  • 9-12

Primary Subject Area(s)

  • History
  • Geography
  • Language Arts
  • Science

Related Artifacts

Activity Description

Have students work in groups of four using the related artifacts and additional Internet-based research about the region to explore the below questions. Upon completion, have students pretend they are historians presenting at a national conference delivering research they just uncovered. They will create a 3-6 minute slideshow presentation to accompany their "talk." Once all slideshow presentations are ready, have each group deliver their presentation to two other groups.

  1. Who appears to dominate the region?
  2. Describe growth and decline of the region using geographic explanations and terms.
  3. Compare photographs and mining claim maps. What conclusions can you draw?

Standards Addressed

  1. History
    1. Grades 6-8 Standards
      1. H1.[6-8].10: Describe the role of farming, railroads, and mining in the settlement of the West.
      2. H2.[6-8].4: Identify and explain the importance of immigrant and native groups to mining, ranching, railroads, and commerce in Nevada and the United States.
  2. Geography
    1. Grades 6-8 Standards
      1. G5.[6-8].2: Compare characteristics and purposes of several types of maps, map projections, and other geographic representations.
      2. G6.[6-8].5: Define physical geographic terms, i.e., archipelago, gulf, basin, tundra.
    2. Grades 9-12 Standards
      1. G5.9-12.2: Analyze and interpret geographic information by selecting appropriate maps, map projections, and other representations, i.e., urban planning, national parks.
      2. G5.9-12.3: Apply concepts and models of spatial organization and use quantitative methods to identify and make decisions about geographic information.
      3. G5.9-12.4: Analyze a variety of complex maps, i.e., topographic, demographic, and land use, to acquire geographic information.
      4. G6.9-12.4: Analyze selected historical issues, demographics, and questions using the geographic concept of regions.
      5. G6.9-12.6: Compare characteristics of places and regions from different perspectives.
      6. G7.9-12.7: Analyze how location and distance connect to influence economic systems at local, national, and international levels.
  3. Language Arts
    1. Grade 7 Standards
      1. 4.7.1: Evaluate information from illustrations, graphs, charts, titles, text boxes, diagrams, headings, maps.
      2. 4.7.5: Synthesize information.
      3. 5.7.1: Choose a topic to narrow and organize ideas.
      4. 6.7.7: Write a variety of communications in appropriate formats.
      5. 7.7.5: Focus attention to solve problems by identifying, synthesizing, and evaluating data.
    2. Grade 12 Standards
      1. 4.12.1: Evaluate information from illustrations, graphs, charts, titles, text boxes, diagrams, headings, maps.
      2. 4.12.5: Use information to answer specific questions.
      3. 4.12.6: Make inferences and draw conclusions based on evidence.
      4. 6.12.7: Write a variety of communications in appropriate formats.
      5. 7.12.2: Listen to and evaluate oral communications for content, delivery, point of view, ideas, purpose, value.
      6. 8.12.3: Use public speaking techniques to deliver presentations with appropriate prosody, volume, eye contact, enunciation, posture, expressions, audience, purpose.
  4. Science
    1. Grades 6-8 Standards
      1. N.8.B.1: Students understand that consequences of technologies can cause resource depletion and environmental degradation, but technology can also increase resource availability, mitigate environmental degradation, and make new resources economical.
      2. L.8.C.3: Students will evaluate how changes in environments can be beneficial or harmful.
      3. E.8.C.7: Students know the characteristics, abundances, and location of renewable and nonrenewable resources found in Nevada.
    2. Grades 9-12 Standards
      1. N.12.B.1: Students know science, technology, and society influenced one another in both positive and negative ways.

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