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University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Managing the Holdings

Recommended Grade Level(s)

  • 3-5
  • 6-8
  • 9-12

Primary Subject Area(s)

  • History
  • Geography
  • Language Arts

Related Artifacts

Activity Description

Research how land holdings were recorded and described in 1935 and determine how the process is similar to and different from how it is done today. Invite the county recorder to the class to explain the current method of recording these holdings. After the presentation, have students prepare and record a 1-3 minute radio show in which one character represents the past and one represents the present. They will debate about which methods are better.

Standards Addressed

  1. History
    1. Grade 4 Standards
      1. H3.4.4: Explain how advances in technologies have impacted Nevada, i.e., railroads, mining, and gaming.
    2. Grades 6-8 Standards
      1. H1.[6-8].7: Explore the lure of the West and the reality of life on the frontier as it relates to communication, farming and water issues, mining, and ranching.
      2. H2.[6-8].10: Describe the role of farming, railroads, and mining in the settlement of the West.
    3. Grades 9-12 Standards
      1. H1.[9-12].3: Assess the impact of technological innovations and urbanization on society's social and economic development.
      2. H3.[9-12].3: Analyze the contributions of inventors and innovators that led to a change in society.
  2. Geography
    1. Grade 4 Standards
      1. G8.4.5: Describe the distribution patterns of natural resources in Nevada.
    2. Grades 6-8 Standards
      1. G6.[6-8].4: Evaluate the role regions have played in historical events.
    3. Grades 9-12 Standards
      1. G7.[9-12].8: Evaluate changes in the size and structure of cultural, political, and economic organizations.
      2. G8.[9-12].2: Describe the ways in which technology has affected the human capacity to modify the physical environment and evaluate possible regional and global impact.
  3. Language Arts
    1. Grade 4 Standards
      1. 3.4.7: With assistance, explain the influence of historical events.
      2. 4.4.1: Identify the purpose of and gain information from illustrations, graphs, charts, titles, text boxes, diagrams, headings, maps.
      3. 4.4.2: With assistance, identify how language creates persuasion and propaganda.
      4. 4.4.3: With assistance, compare events.
      5. 7.4.5: Actively listen to a speaker.
      6. 8.4.3: Communicate information by maintaining a clear focus, following a logical sequence, and illustrating information with media aids.
    2. Grade 7 Standards
      1. 3.7.7: Explain the influence of time periods.
      2. 4.7.1: Evaluate information from illustrations, graphs, charts, titles, text boxes, diagrams, headings, maps.
      3. 7.7.5: Actively listen to oral communications.
      4. 8.7.3: Communicate information by maintaining a clear focus, following a logical sequence, and illustrating information with media aids.
    3. Grade 12 Standards
      1. 3.12.7: Analyze the influence of historical events and culture.
      2. 4.12.1: Explain how language is used for the purpose of persuasion and propaganda.
      3. 4.12.2: Evaluate information from illustrations, graphs, charts, titles, text boxes, diagrams, headings, maps.
      4. 7.12.5: Actively listen to oral communications.
      5. 8.12.3: Use public speaking techniques to deliver presentations with appropriate prosody, volume, eye contact, enunciation, posture, expressions, audience, purpose.

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