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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, June/July 1999



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    Congregation Ner Taipid ?pan u rirtp The Reform Jewish Synagogue of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong June/July 1999 - Vol. XVIII No. 7 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Bob Unger President 17 Sivan - 18 Av 5759 \ I. A li S Monty E. Willey Executive Director Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Lois Bergman Preschool Director Melanie Gorman Program Director CNT TURNS SILVER DON'T MISS IT! 27 ANd Stayin' AIIve! CONQREQA TtON NeR TAMid is CEkbRATiNq irs 22 tU Anniversary... June 26 at t^e Desert Inn Country Club is SURE TO bE A MEMORAbU, fuN'fillEd EVENT. TllE Si LENT AuCTiON bEqiNS at 6:50pM. Get REAdy to bid ON TERRifiC iTEMS: fAbuloUS jEWEbiy, CjiFT CERTifiCATES foR QREAT RESTAURANTS, VACATiON pAcIcAQES, ANd MANy SpECiAl SURpRiSESI MuNcb ON bORS d'OEUVRES ANd ScbMOOZE WiTb TllE CROwd. ^JaVE A COMpliMENTARy pboTO taI<en P>eFore sirriNq dowN to a sumptuous MEAl ANd A dESSERT bAR tIiAT Will SATiS- fy everyone's sweet TOOTb. Tbs enters TAiNMENT is SURE TO TicklE VOUR fuNNy boNE ANd will bE followEd by dANciNq TbE NiqbT AWAy - disco STylEl WbAT a hoT party This will bE! TickETS ARE $50 PER PERSON. SEATiNq is liMiT' Ed ANd NO TickETS will bE sold AT TbE dooR. Get youR reservadons iN now TO kick off TbE NEXT 25 YEARS WiTb CNT. & f.Tfie AduCt Wnot Mitzvafi Class of Nineteen hundred and Ninety-Nine Worship Services 2 Rabbi?s Message 3 Message from our President 3 Notes from our Cantorial Soloist 4 School News & CNT Preschool 4 June/July B?nai Mitzvah 6 Executive Director?s Spotlight 7 Auxiliaries & Committees 8 Birthdays/Anniversaries 11 I Tributes 14 I Yahrzeits & In Memorium 16 (the Bulletin is published monthly) Amy Abrams Arlene /Farrow Qbria QolSery ?Bonnie Qreen invite you to share our joy as zue are cafled to the Torah Sa66ath morning the fifth of June, twenty first of Sivan nineteen hundred and ninety-nine ^ at ten o ?dbchi in the morning Xz> Congregation Ner Tamid Kidd Niddushfo flowing cVL SpjejeiaL rplace FBeimug,Worship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrod & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman June 4 Nicole Mayman Bat Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the Mayman Family June 5 Adult B'not Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Adult B'not Mitzvah Class Torah Study 10:00am June 11 Sandra Jacob Bat Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Jacob Family June 12 Bradley Keating Bar Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Keating Family June 18 Mark Emptage Bar Mitzvah 7:30pm Jeremy Haber Bar Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Emptage & Haber Families June 19 Sarah Pomerantz Bat Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Pomerantz Family Torah Study 10:00am June 25 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood July 2 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood July 3 Torah Study 10:00am July 9 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by Dr. Marvin & Marilyn Glovinsky Auf Ruf for Heather Kleinman & David Glovinsky July 16 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood July 17 Jonathan Goldsmith Bar Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Goldsmith Family Torah Study 10:00am July 23 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Ice Cream Sundae Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood July 24 Justine Zechter Bat Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Zechter Family July 30 Sarah Milano Bat Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Milano Family July 31 Stephanie Esbin Bat Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Esbin Family CNTs Annual Meeting will be held on June 13,1999 at 4pm in the Social Hall. We will have a wonderful Barbeque followed by the installations of the Sisterhood and Brotherhood boards and the new officers and trustees of the Congregation?s Board of Trustees. This year's slate will be for President: Drew Levy, for VP Administration Stewart Blumenfeld,for VP Ways 6- Means Scott Stolberg, for VP Membership Howard Layfer, for VP Membership Activities Lynn Sasso, for VP Religious School <Lr Youth Judy Cornett, for VP Ritual Activities Ira Spector, for Treasurer David Stahl and for Secretary Ruth Urban. Incoming Trustees will be Leon Marco, Rita Goldstein, and Jacky Rosen. The Congregation thanks our retiring board members for their dedication and years of service. A special thanks to Bob Unger for serving with feeling and heart for 3 years. CoNQREQA TiON NeR TAMid Fa iimirinniniiTiirnmiiiiiiiinMiii PlcMt- Hotc: muM, ntCttsvitCr Jos* Z& Es ? 1 iMlrmn S3 Yiddish Lesson for June/July A Bisul: a linlE biT. A sliANdEh UN A CARpEh: A shAME AIMd A disqRACE. AidEl: CulTUREd AlAy QART ES: tIiat's bow iT qoes. a bRodtEh: a blEssiNq. JuNE/July 1999 Temple Board Members Bob Unger Drew Levy David Mendelson Ira Spector President VP Administration VP Ways & Means VP Membership David Stahl, PhD VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education Lynn Sasso VP Social Rita Goldstein Treasurer Ruth Urban Secretary Mel Hallerman Trustee Sylvia Beller Trustee Frances Klamian Trustee Jacky Rosen Trustee-Membership Jon Sparer Trustee Jere? Davis Trustee-Membership Esther Saltzman Trustee-Youth Sharna Blumenfeld Trustee-Library Mindy Unger-Wadkins Trustee-Bulletin Sandy Stolberg Sisterhood Steve Joseph Brotherhood Charles Kallick NTTY David Lieberman TNT Sandy Pittle Golden Chai Jerry Gordon Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President Dr. Bernard Farrow Past President Eugene Kirshbaum* Past President Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio *Deceased This is the last time i will have the opportunity to write to the Congregation as its President. After 3 years, the time has come for me to step down. As many of you know, the job of being President of our congregation is a challeng?ing and time-consuming task. It is, however, also incredibly rewarding. After hearing stories from past presidents about the years of struggle for survival and all the bat?tles that came with those struggles, I can only say that I have been blessed to have served during the ?peace time? years. We are strong in membership, strong in character, strong in programming, strong in our dedication to Judaism, strong in educa?tion, strong in leadership, and soon, with some more help from our members, we will be finan?cially strong. With all of this going for us, how could I have not thoroughly enjoyed serving as the Congregation?s lay leader? I have learned a great deal about myself and my Judaism. Aydie & I have developed new life?long friendships with those of you who have been actively involved in steering our Congre?gation through these past years. In a recent series of board of trustees retreats, the board chose to place new re?sponsibilities on the immediate past presi?dent, changing the role to a more active ongoing position than in the past. So I will not be out of the picture completely. I am extremely confident in Drew Levy and the incoming executive board and look forward to our future guided by their leadership. I must thank our board and staff and all of the committee chairs and members for making these last three years a real joy for Aydie & me. And yes, we will still be running the gift wrap booth! I must also point out to all of you how lucky we have been to have had the professional leadership of Rabbi Aksel?rad, our Cantorial soloist Sella Feldman, our Education Director Jackie Fleekop, and our Executive Director Monty Willey. All of these senior staff members have shown amazing dedication to the temple during my term and I can not thank them enough. Last, I would like to thank Aydie, Joey, Matt, & Danny for putting up with all those meetings I was always having and for being part of the team when temple things had to get done and there was no one else to do it. I will be continuing to serve the Jewish community through my membership on the Regional Executive Committee of the UAFiC and as 1st Vice President of the Jewish Fed?eration of Southern Nevada. I am realistic and also understand that neither of these continuing roles will ever compare to or re?place the wonderful years that I served as Presidentof Congregation NerTamid. I have loved every minute of it and will continue to keep CNT close to my heart in the future. $06 Some 2,000 years Aqo, our saqes macIe A pOWERful STATEMENT ON T^E RESpONSi' bilfry of bEiNG a IeacIer. RECORdsd iN PiRkE Avot, they SAid, "B'maIsom sbE- EiNO ish, TisbTAdEl liyoT ish'C'MN a pLace whERE TflERE is NO MAN (OR WOMAN) SEEk ThoU TO bE ThAT MAN." ThE SACjES TAuqhT ThAT whEN tIiere WAS A VACUUM of lEAdERShip, iT WAS our REspoNsibili- Ty TO STEP up TO tItE plATE ANd fill ThE void. ThEN, likE TodAy, tIhere were ThoSE who WERE iNTiMidATEd by tIhe REspoNsibiliTiES of lEAdERship. For wrrh lEAdERShip COMES NOT ONly ThE POWER BO do qood, buT ThE POWER TO MAkE HiSTAkES which AffECT ThE COMMUNhy. ANd TOO, WiTh lEAdERship COMES NOT ONly pRAiSE, buT CRiTiciSM. Our TempIe hAS AlwAys bEEN Iortunate iN ThAT OUR MEMbERship hAS CONTiNUAl' ly pROvidEd us wiTh lEAdERS who TRuly CARE AboUT ThE TEMplE. EACh of ThESE pEOplE CONSTANTly qiVE of ThEiR TiME ATTENdiNG TEMplE fuNCTiONS, bOARd MEET' iNqS, ANCI COMMiTTEE MEETiNqS TO iNSURE ThAT OUR TempIe REMAiNS STRONq ANd VibRANT. As WE WElcOME A NEW bOARd ANd a new TempIe PREsidENT This July, iT is boTh fiuiNq ANd hEARTfEh to EXTENd OUR ThANks ANd AppRECiATiON TO ThosE lEAviNq our boARd. WoRkiNq TiRElESsly, ThEy hAVE TRuly MAdE A diffERENCE duRiNq A CRiTiCAl JUNCTURE iN our TempIe's hiSTORy. DESERViNq of SpECiAl ThANks hoWEVER, is our ouTqoiNq PREsidENT Bob UNqER. For ThE past tIiree years (one year bEyoNd ThE normaI term of PresMeN' cy), Bob hAS TRuly bEEN a ModEl of lEAdERship. DuRiNq his pREsidENcy hE hAS OVERSEEN TREMENdoUS qROWTh ANd chANqES iN ThE TempIe. DuRiNq Bob's TENURE, ThE TEMplE qREW by NEARly 200 MEMbERS, ThE KiTchEN WAS REMOdElEd, a new pRoqRAM of voluNTARy qiviNq iNSTiTUTEd, OUR REliqiOUS school EXpANd (cONtiNUEd ON pAqE 17) c JuNE/July 1999 l (Special rHeloiuf In last month?s bulletin, I mentioned A Children?s Service for A New Century, a project that?s in the working for January of 2OOO. The service is a national collaboration of 36 congregations throughout the Unit?ed States and is the first of it?s kind. It was composed by Michael Isaacson especially for childrens? chorus. It will be debuted simulta?neously on Shabbat Shirah (The Sabbath of Song) on January 21, 2OOO and a recording is being made for public distribution. During May, I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Los Angeles to record two songs for the CD. This was my first recording experience and it was amazing! The CD will be available to the public after the premiere of the service and will feature eleven differ?ent Cantors. In order to facilitate this incredible project, I will be forming a ?Millenni?um Chorus?forthis special performance. The Millennium Chorus will be open to those students who are in the third grade and above. To make sure not to take away from Religious School is faking a break. Well, not really because we are working hard to replace staff that will not be returning with other quality educators. We are also planning programs and sessions for the fall semester. I will take a break to enjoy my family when Sandee visits from New Jersey. Joel will be returning from Israel, Ronald will come home from Illinois and when Eric finds time in his busy schedule, he can spend a day witn me. We rush and run all year. Perhaps the hot Las Vegas sun is G-d's way of slowing us. Take time to enjoy your families but remember to prepare for the fall. Register for the fall semester. We have a satellite class close to you. Kindergarten through 8th grade Sundau 9:15 am to 12:15 pm at CNT our Jr. Choir, the rehearsal schedule will be as follows. Sunday rehearsals will take place immediately following Jr. Choir from 1:00 to 1:30. Due to the limited number of Sunday School sessions, it will also be necessary to meet during the week. These rehearsals will take place on Thursdays at the Temple, following Hebrew School, from 6:00 to 7:00. Students who attend Hebrew school here on Thursdays will need to bring a sack dinner. We will have a total of 29 rehearsals which will run from the beginning of Sunday School, August 29 through January 20. There will also be a financial com?mitment of $75 per student which will pay for their T-shirts and kippot (to be worn on the night of the performance) and a copy of the CD. There are limited scholarships avail?able for those who are in need of some assistance. In order to ensure the success of this project, I must be very strict about rehears- Confirmation class 9-12th grade Sunday, 5-6 pm at CNT EAST WEEKDAY: 4th grade through 7th grade, Tuesday 4:30-6:00 pm at Lorna J. Kesterson Elementary School at Trail Canyon Road and Stephanie WEST WEEKDAY: 4th through 7th grade Wednesday 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm at Bendorf Elementary at Spring Mountain and Kevin Way CENTRAL WEEkDAY and make up and tutoring: 4th through 7th grade, Thursday 4:30 to 6:00pm at CNT al attendance. No student will be allowed to miss more than 4 rehearsals out of the 29. This is a big commitment that will take major consideration on both you and your child?s part. Please consider it seriously before responding. There are plans to include the names of all of the students who participate in the premiere on the CD cover. In order for me to provide such a list for the record company, applications have been sent out which must be returned to me no later than June 30. If you have not received an application in the mail, please give me a call. This is a once in a millennium opportunity that you don?t want to miss! If you have any further questions, please feel free to give me a call at the Temple. S?shalom, ?Betta CNT Booth a Big Success at Israel Jk Independence Bay ? Celebration On Sunday, May 2,1999, the Jewish com?munity commemorated Israel Independence Day at the Sands Expo Center. The event brought Jews from all over the valley togeth?er to celebrate, learn, shop, and eat. There was lively Israeli music to listen to, delicious Kosher food to eat, and beautiful Judaica pieces to buy. The children?s section of the festival included Jewish art projects and even a moon walk. Many Jewish organiza?tions and Synagogues were present and had booths complete with information for the public. Congregation Ner Tamid?s booth included flyers describing current CNT events and general Temple information. We had two posters on display including the one made by CNT?s children at the Torathon. The atten?tion grabber of the booth was the power point presentation, created by Katherine Scott. The four minute computer generat?ed slide show was entertaining and proved to be very educational for all. A special thanks to Katherine Scott for her hard work and dedication, to Sob Unger for volunteering the use of his lap top computer, and to all tl|j|^ volunteers at the booth. The day could nr^V have been a success without all of you. School News Summer Fun CONQREQA T'lON NER TAMl'd JuNE/July 1999 CNT PRESCHOOL CNT Camp Chaverim [he summer months are here and our reschool year is coming to an end. It has been "a year of fun and excitement, growth, and learning, for our studentsas well as our staff. From thefirst tentative days of school with "twenty some" students we grew until we had reached our capacity of thirty six. We started out with two classes and expanded to a third. With the expanding student population we needed to hire more staff. What a greatfirstyear. I really want to thankso many individuals who helped to make ouryearsucha success. Our teaching staff is the best, Miss Carol, Miss Leslie, Miss Eva, Miss Rina:you are superior in every way. You taught, assisted, carried, moved, painted, wiped away tears, fixed broken nearts, broken toys and broken furniture. The children and I all love you and thankyou for being sooo wonderful. A special thanks to the ladies in the office: Mary, Phyllis, Karen, Nuchie -1 couldn?t have done it without you. Monty Willey, our Executive Director, has been with ourschool on a daily basis giving us ?high fives?and hissupportand help in every effort we made (you are the Greatest). Our dynamic preschool committee helps usand guides us: ScottStolberg, SandyStolberg, Jackie Rosen, you are delightful and caring and talented. Our Rabbi has been there to guide,offersupportanda helping hand.Thank you to all of you. Allofourparents.friendsand students have helped to make this first year, abanneryear. This last month of school has been very busy, as usual. We celebrated Lag?DOmer with a picnicandgames.Mother?sDaywithagreat brunch and program. Shavout with songs, stories pictures and crafts, aboutthegiving of the Torah. We celebrated our country, learning about those who made it great, for Memorial Day. This month we are making final preparations for our graduation and closing day celebra?tions. We are gearing up for next year, when preschool will resume on Monday, August 23rd. Our waiting list for next year grows every day, please call and make an appoint?ments visitour school ifyou havea child or grandchild between the ages of 21\2-5 years of age and want a quality Jewish Preschool educationtobeginyourchildsschoolexperi- ence life on the right foot. Lois ?Bergman Adove: Mothers Day Brunch Top Riqbr. Laq B' Omer FiEld Day Bottom Riqbr. A BiRihdAy at School Below: Mother's Day Program Our camp program is gearing up for a summer of run, excitement and fellowship. Summer Camp will run from June 28th through July 30th. We will accept children between the ages of 2 1\2- 9 years of age. Camp will be, a summer filled with Jewish programing revolving around sports, arts and craf ts, music, drama, karate, gymnastics, computer, talent shows, cooking etc. .We will go on weekly field trips, enjoy Shabbat together and have a camp play, and puppet show and talent snow. Our themes for the little ones 21\2 -4 will be Nursery Rhymes Disney Daze, & Summer Safari. For the older campers 5-9 we will have Shabbat Week, Purim in July (circus) week, Macabean (Olym?pic) week, Israel International Week and "Anything Goes" week. Our goal is to provide a creative opportunity for having fun times and growing experiences within a Jewishly-oriented setting. Our staff is composed of carefully selected teachers, who will meet each child's needs in a loving fun-filled atmo?sphere. Our groups are filling up quickly. If you would like your child or grandchild to have a stimulating enjoyable summer in a nurturing Jewish environment then call the office and ask for Lois at 733-6292. Mommy and Me and T ot Shabbat have taken a summer vacation together until September. Watch the August Bulletin for dates and times. CORRECTIONS FOR BULLETIN Arlene Farrow was inadvertently left out of the Chesed Committee article in the May Bulletin. Arlene is one of the very important trainers of this group. be Eric Fleekop's name was ommitted from the Confirmation Class List. Congratulations Eric! JuNE/July 1999 cd Spoeicd. rp ln o e (7& (Belong, kfazel Toy to Our June/Julu B?n&f Mltzv&h Students My name is Nicole Mayman. I attend the Las Vegas Day 9chool where I have a LOT OF FRIENDS. SHOPPING AND TALKING ON THE PHONE ARE THE TWO TH1NG8 I LIKE DOING THE MOST. I ENJOY TRAVELING WITH MY FAMILY IN THIS COUNTRY AND IN FOREIGN places. My Bat Mitzvah is June 4. SSgsssss s? Shalom Y'all! My name is Jeremy Haber. I AM A SEVENTH GRADER AT PAGE MIDDLE School in Franklin, Tennessee. I enjoy PLAYING TENNI8 AND VOLLEYBALL. DURING THE LA8T TWO YEARS, I HAVE AL80 BEEN PLAYING THE CLARINET IN THE 8CHOOL BAND. On June 18.19991will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah along with my best friend Mark Emptage. I am very EXCITED ABOUT 8HARING THI8 SPECIAL DAY WITH MY FAMILY AND FRIEND8. ' X % X ^ ' <wXA- Hi! My name is Sarah Pomerantz. I will BE CALLED TO THE TORAH AS A BAT MlTZVAH on June 19,1999. I was born in Las Vegas and ! attend Thurman White Middle School. I enjoy taking jazz, PLAYING THE PIANO, GOING TO THE MALL, AND SPENDING TIME WITH MY FAMILY. I WOULD LIKE YOU TO JOIN ME AND MY FAMILY ON THI8 Shalom, my name is Sandra Jacob. I go 8PECIAL day- to Leid Middle School, I am in the 8EVENTH GRADE. I AM TWELVE YEARS OLD. Some of my hobbies are shopping, BOWLING, PLAYING SOCCER AND TALKING ON THE PHONE. I WILL BE CALLED TO THE BlMAH AND BECOME A BAT MlTZVAH ON JUNE 11, 1999. I WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO JOIN MY .s-s FAMILY AND ME ON THIS SPECIAL DAY. HAPPY IF YOU WOULD JOIN ME, ALONG WITH . MY FRIENDS AND RELATIVES IN CELEBRATING my Bar Mitzvah on July 17,1999. My FRIENDS AND RELATIVES WILL BE COMING FROM THIRTEEN DIFFERENT 8TATE8, CANADA and Wen Israel. Hi, my name is Sarah Milano. I am a 7? GRADE HONOR 8TUDENT AT GREEN8PUN Junior High 8chool. 1 enjoy dancing, SWIMMING, AND PLAYING TENNIS. I AL80 LIKE PLAYING MY FLUTE IN THE GREEN8PUN Symphonic Band. I am excited about my Bat Mitzvah because it is a wonderful OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW HOW PROUD I AM TO BE PART OF THE JEWI8H COMMUNITY AND TO be Jewish. Shalom! My name is Justine Zechter. I'm a student at Becker Middle School. I WAS BORN IN tONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA S; - but f have lived in Las Vegas since I was ONE YEAR OLD. I ENJOY PLAYING SOCCER AND hanging out with my friends. On the MORNING OF JULY 24, 1999 I WILL BE having my Bat Mitzvah. I am very EXCITED AND HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE. Shalom. My name is Jonathan Goldsmith. I am starting the 8,h grade at Greenspun Junior High School. I like football, bowling, playing the clarinet AND USING MY COMPUTER. I WOULD BE Shalom! My name is Brad Keating and my Bar Mitzvah is on June 12, 1999. I AM IN THE 7? GRADE AT SILVE8TRI MIDDLE School, and I am a very good student. When I am not in school, I enjoy SPENDING TIME WITH MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS, PLAYING THE PIANO AND THE STRING BASS, RIDING MY BIKE, PLAYING 80CCER, AND LISTENING TO ALL KINDS OF MUSIC. I HOPE THAT YOU WILL COME AND CELEBRATE THI8 VERY 8PECIAL DAY IN MY LIFE WITH MY FAMILY AND ME. *g - % , gssSk % 'em* Shalom, my name is Mark Ryan Emptage. I am a seventh grader at Thurman White Middle 8chool. I THOROUGHLY ENJOY READING, SLEEPING, AND PLAYING ON THE COMPUTER. ON JUNE 18, 1999 I AM HAVING A DOUBLE BAR Mitzvah with my best friend, Jeremy Haber. I hope you will be there, because I KNOW I WILL. CoNQREQATioN Ner Tmid JuNE/July 1999 ?Executive (Director's One dAy, as HoNi tIte GrcIe' Drawer was WAlkiNq aIonq tIte ROAd, llE SAW A MAN plANTiNq A CAROb tree. HoNi AskEd hiM, "How loNq will iT TAkE This TREE TO bEAR fRUiT?" THE MAN REpliEd, "Seventy years." Hon! Asksd, "Do you expect to livE ANOTHER SEVENTY yEARS TO EAT iTS pRuiT?" TIhe MAN REpliEd, "I did not fiNd tIhe worW wiTh' OUT CAROb TREES wllEN I ENTEREd iT; AS My FoREbEARERS plANTEd For me, so I am plANTiNq foR tFiose who come aFter ME."--- TAlMud Ta'ano 25 A "Why must I pAy ThE sanctU' ARy ASSESSMENT;" "I pAid FOR ThREE ASSESSMENTS iN OThER STATES." ThE ASSESSMENTS ANd Fees AskEd of our MEMbERship ARE TO ENSURE ThE fuTURE of our WAy of UFe, For our chib dREN ANd ThEiR childREN. It MAy appear TodAy to pAy ThE CUR' RENT ElECTRiCAl bill, which MUST STill bE pAid, buT iT is Also usEd TO pROVidE pROqRAMS ANd SER' ViCES TO ENCOURAqE pEOplE TO joiN ThE coNqREqATioN. It is to ENSURE A COMfoRTAblE plACE fOR iNdividuAls ANd FAMiliES to come ANd WORShip AS ThEiR ANCES' TORS hAVE. CoNqREqATioN Ner TAMid hAS AlwAys hAd a FAiR ATTiTudE REqARdiNq MONEy. Yes, iT MAy SEEM WE CONSTANT^ ARE AskiNq For money, buT some' TiMES iT is NECESSARY TO AchiEVE All ThAT WE ARE AskEd TO do. As yOUR PARENTS ANd qRANdpARENTS did foR you, so should we do foR OUR childREN ANd ThE qENERATiONS yET to come. But iT is Also TO EN' SURE ThE SURViVAl of CoNqRE' qATioN Ner TAMid, to coNTiN' UE OUR UqACy - TO PROVidE foR ThoSE aFter us. ThE full dETAils of ThE Hiqh HolydAy SERViCES dATES ANd TiMES will bE publishEd iN ThE AuqusT bullETiN. As AlwAys, TickETS will bE MAilsd OUT TO ThoSE MEMbERS iN qood STANd' iNq. This year, you should RECEiVE yOUR TickETS ThE WEEk of AuqusT 9. We will bE CONduCTiNq SERViCES SiMilAR TO how we coNducTEd ThEM Iast year. More dETAils will come iN The MAil This SUMMER. On June 15, we will hold our annuaI MEETiNq. This is a tIme For ThE coNqREqATioN to qET TOqEThER AN<j MEET ThE NEW lEAdERShip of ThE CONqREqA' TioN. Many of ThE new offic- ERS ANd TRUSTEES ARE RETURNiNq From pREvious ser- vicE. However, Bob UNqER will step dowN From ThE po- SiTiON of PRESidENT. I WANT TO ThANk Bob, pERSONAlly foR All his lEAdERShip ANd ThE POS' iTiVE EXAMplE hE hAS SET OVER ThE PAST ThREE yEARS. Bob hAS TAkEN ThE lEAd iN SEVERAl AREAS TO ENSURE ThAT CoNqRE' qATioN Ner TAMid remains ThE roIe ModEl of ThE Las VsqAS JEwish CoMMUNiTy. Bob's lEAdERShip will bE MiSSEd, buT I AM SURE WE CAN TAlk hiM iNTO REMAiNiNq ACTiVE. To OUR NEW bOARd Ud by Drew Lsvy. I look foRWARd TO CONTiNUiNq OUR WORk TO' qEThER. iMonty ChESEd COMMiTTEE Lookiisq For VoIunteers Are you lookiNq to MAkE a diFFERENCE? As ThoSE who hAVE pARTiCipATEd iN OUR BikkuR CholiM'hospiTAl visiTATioN pro- qRAM hAVE NOTEd, "ThERE ARE Few ThiNqS ThAT I hAVE doNE iN My lifE ThAT hAVE bROUqhT ME AS Much pERSONAl qRATifiCA- TioN AS VoluNTEERiNG TO ViSiT ThoSE who ARE sick. I kNOW THAT My PRESENCE hAS bRouqhT coMfoRT to a FeIIow Jew foR no OThER REASON tIhAN iT is A MiTZVAh, ThE RiqhT ThiNq to do." ChESEd COMMiTTEE chAiR, Dr. BERNiE FAR' ROW hAS SChEdulEd A TWO PART TRAiNiNq SESsiON For ThoSE wishiNq to bECOME vol- UNTEERS TO AN AREA hoSpiTAl. ThE FiRST SESSiON will TAkE plACE ON SATURdAy JUNE 19 From l-5pM. ThE SECONd SESsiON will bE on ThuRsdAy July 1 From 7'8:50pM. BoTh cLasses will bE hsld at ThE TempIe. VoIunteers will be pRofcssioNAlly TRAiNEd by Dr. BernIe Farrow, Nanette Spec- tor, NAdiNE CracraFt, ArIene Farrow, ANd RAbbi AkSElRAd. EAch of OUR TRAiN' ERS hAS TAUqhT This COURSE bEfoRE ANd will qivE you ThE skills you NEEd to visiT PEOplE EffECTiVEly, COMpASSiONATEly, ANd kNowlEdqEAbly. ThRouqhouT ThE year you will RECEiVE AddiTiONAl TRAiNiNq ANd you will AlwAys bE jUST A phONE CAll AWAy fROM ANy ASSiSTANCE FrOM ONE of OUR COURSE TRAiNERS. So MAkE A diffERENCE iN SOMEONE eIse's lifE, by MAkiNq a diffERENCE iN youR own. PIease caII Dr. Berme Farrow at 646' 9515 to REqiSTER For This Important cIass. Tell 6 Kvell Micah Goldsmith, son of Harold and Naomi Goldsmith for rscsivihg his Juris Doctor Degree from Califorhia Wes ter h School of Law. Leslie Duhh oh receivihg ah HOHORARY DEGREE AS ah Associate of Humahe Letters from the Commuhi- ty College of So. MV Vic ahd Loretta Hollahder OH THE BIRTH OF THEIR FIRST GRA HDCHIL D , JADE, borh ih Australia. cJL rf)JuNE/July 1999 lae(' Q ?a CBelwui AUXILIARIES & UUUUUl Sisterhood Xews UlliiiUU As I sit down to write this months article, I can't believe a whole year has passed and I'm getting ready to start my second term as Sis?terhood President. I would like to thank all the women who served on the board this year with me. You really made my job easier. Our board has worked very hard to bring inspirational, educational, entertaining and meaningful programming to our membership. Sisterhood continues to be the largest and most active auxiliary of the Temple, contributing both time and money to underwrite many temple events, in addition to the Onegs that it sponsors or prepares each week. For those women who have not yet become sisterhood members, now is the time to get involved. Our membership year is July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000. The dues are only $30.00 per year or $50.00 for a mitzvah membership. I invite everyone to join us on June 13th for the annual Temple meeting. Our new Sisterho od Board will be installed, and we will also present the Great Lady Award. And at long last our new kitchen will be dedicated. I would like to welcome the following women to sisterhood, Ada Feldman, Lori Frankl, Sondra McCall, Patti Kaufman,Marilyn Raskin, Mirium Sharp. And a special thanks to Bill Knox at Office Max, who supplied the invitations and printing for our donor dinner. Shalom & Thanks for all your support, Sandy Golden Chaii ColdEN ChAi looks fORWARd TO a busy June ANd July. We will CElEbRATE Father's DAy, July 4'U' ANd TklE 25Th ANNiVERSARy of CONQRECjATiON NeR TAIVlid. As MANy MEMbERS RETURN TO tIhEiR SUMMER llOMES, WE look fORWARd TO MEETiNQ NEW pEoplE. We meet tIie fiRST ANd ThiRd TkuRsdAy of tIie montIi. We llAVE SOME NEW ENTERTAiN' MENT plANNEd. SIiaIom ANd Love, Sandy Your IBrotlierliooil Advisor In a continuing effort to shed light on Men?s Health Issues, the Men?s Club held another seminar where Stress Management was discussed. Mike Milano, Membership Vice President, put together a Stress Management Workshop with Ms. Eileen Anes, M.S., MFT, as the workshop leader. She did a suburb job of making us understand the importance of recognizing the signs of stress, what triggers it and how to handle it. A large group of men and women attended this event and participated in the discussion. They learned many stress reduction tech?niques and went away with a greater understanding of the ?Stress Mon?ster? that invades our lives on a daily basis. I want to take this opportuni?ty to thank Eileen for a great presen?tation and Mike for his efforts to event such a success. CONQREQA TiON NeR TAMid At our May meeting elections were held for the Men?s Club Executive Board. Stephen Joseph was elected for a second term as President, Mike Milano Administrative Vice President, Gary Gilman Vice President of Pro?gramming & Social Activities, Howard Layfer Vice President of Membership and Jerry Davis Secretary. Allan Nathanson will continue to be our ?Jack of All Trades.? This past year has been a lot of fun for all those who got involved. Our theme ?We?re Not the Same Brotherhood as Our Fathers? proved to say it all as our Men?s Health Issues and Financial Seminars were all well attended by many enthusiastic men and women as was our social events by many fami?lies of our congregation. Our Golf Tour?nament and Putting Tournament are moving forward and we plan to continue addressing Men?s Health Issues and other interesting topics. Our foundation for the coming year has been formed and it?s now up to you to help make it a success. I prom?ise - getting involved and participat?ing in the building process of this Men?s Club will be very rewarding and we look forward to your participation. I want to take this opportunity thank all those people who helped make this year the success that it was. Have a wonderful summer and look in your mailbox for the Men?s Club Calendar of Events for the coming year. Stephen Joseph Brotherhood President # JuNE/July 1999 ALL THE NEWS FROM SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. . . Flash !!! Progressive Dinner a Huge Success Scoop. . . Representatives from the Social Activities Committee of Con?gregation Ner Tamid have been quot?ed as saying ?Congregation NerTamid?s progressive dinner was a huge suc?cess.? According to reliable sources, the first course appetizers were simply to die for. Hosts/Hostesses for these pre-dinner delights were v Karen & Marv Levine, Sue & Steve Joseph, Roberta & Marv Price, Debbie & Mel Hallerman and Sandy & Roger Ewan. Oh Well! There went the diet! Next up were those oh so nutritious salads that made you realize healthy can be fun. Hosts/Hostesses were Sandy & Scott Stolberg, Nadine & Joe Cracraft, Ann & Larry Sandell, Jill & Richard Swiler and Jacky & Larry Rosen. These couples were so creative that now, we?ve heard, many participants are eating salads on a regular basis. Simply Marvelous, fclnbelievable, Stuffed, were just some Pf the comments this reporter over?heard people saying about the dinners. Host/Hostesses were Christi & David Ober, Joan & Les Dunn, Phyllis & Cal Lewis, Nanette & Ira Spector, Glori & Jim Rosenberger and Ruth & Andrew Urban. No one, not even the Colonel, makes chicken like these couples. Way to go folks! If this wasn?t enough, dessert and Dingo were back at the Temple. Can you believe the Social Committee gave thank you gifts to the host couples and not only that, they had six gift certificates to Macaroni Grill that were given as door prizes? For all you fashion conscious members, the prizes for bingo were the perfect color for all occasions - GREEN - as in the color of money. On the Q.T.: Members and non?members alike were overheard saying how sorry they were that 50000 many people missed this spectacular event. jOh well, there?s always next time. Shat?s all the news folks. Until next rime... Lynn JuNE/July 1999 Summe