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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, January 2006



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    Congregation Nek Tamid Looking Towar its Ti if Fi iti ir f Worship Services JANUARY 2006 VOL. XX NO. 1 TEVET/SHEVAT 5766 Friday Services are at King David Memorial Chapel Saturday Services are at the NEW Temple offices Friday, January 6 7:30 pm Shabbat Services Saturday, January 7 9:00 arrrBible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, January 13 7:30 pm Shabbatone Service Saturday, January 14 9:00 am Bible Study 1* 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study ,<13|^pm Second Saturday Study Friday, January 20 7:30 pm New Member Shabbat & Congregant of Year Saturday, January 21 10:00am Douglas Brill Bar Mitzvah at Fremont Hotel 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study 10:30 am Tot Shabbat Friday, January 27 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, January 28 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan Congratulations 2005 Congregants of the Year! Jennifer Cohen & Bette Stahl As a congregation, we have many wonderful members who work hard and give of their time wherever and whenever possible. This makes the job of selecting a ?Congregant of the Year? an enormous challenge! However, this year two wonderful women have been chosen to share that honor ~ Bette Stahl and Jennifer Cohen. They have shared the title of ?Co-Chair? for IHN (now known as Family Promise) for the past 3-1/2 years. IHN is an interfaith effort to help homeless families with young children. Together Bette & Jennifer work alongside other volunteers to help feed and house these families at our temple, four times each year, one week at a time. These amazing women work as a team, organizing volunteers to spend the night with the families and finding people to provide meals for that week. In addition to all this, Jennifer is also the Sisterhood Ritual Chairperson who organizes the monthly Rosh Chodesh service; Bette, a retired teacher, now volunteers at Ruby Thomas and Peterson Elementary schools helping second graders develop better reading skills. Like so many other Nevadans, both Bette and Jennifer are transplants to our community. Bette came here with her husband, David, 18 years ago, teaching elementary school around the valley for 16 years before retiring. David & Bette joined CNT in 1989. They are the proud parents of three grown children and the grandparents of five ?wonderful, gorgeous, brilliant grandchildren? says Bette. Bette worked very hard on the Grandparent?s Shabbat. Among her other volunteer work, Bette works on the Chesed Committee, Social Action Committee, and the Mitzvah Menorah Project along with serving on the Sisterhood Board. Jennifer was born in Holland, before her ?Zionist soul? led her to live in Israel, where she met her husband Jerry. As a nurse, she worked in a hospital there for several years before moving her expanding family to a kibbutz, where they lived for more than 7 years. 11:00 am Torah Study (Continued on page 2) Just a Reminder . . . * Friday Shabbat Services are now held at King David Memorial Chapel, located at 2697 East Eldorado Lane, in Las Vegas. A The Temple offices are now at 2920 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Suite 521, in Henderson, near sunset and Green Valley Pkwy. Our phone number remains 733-6292, as does our fax 733-8553. * Saturday Minyan and Torah Study are held at the Temple offices located at 2920 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Suite 521, in Henderson.F rom T he R abbi W o n ?t Y ou Be My Neighbor? Ah, a new year. Secular though it may be, it is nonetheless still a time for reflection and introspection. No, its not the same as Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, but it is an opportunity for us to mark another transition in our lives. This year in particular we mark the transition in our Temple life. Our building has been sold. We have said our good byes. And we are now in a state of transition. Services at the beautiful King David Chapel, school at Gibson Elementary School, and temporary offices near Green Valley Parkway and Sunset. Much of our ?stuff? is in storage, in boxes, and patiently (or perhaps impatiently!) waiting for our new home on Valle Verde. We are at an important juncture in the life of our Congregation. We are in a wonderful position of reinventing ourselves for the next generation of Jews who will bring our new Temple to life. Ideas that were only hopeful dreams in the past will now have the space to blossom into fruition. We will have the space for a preschool, Jewish Day School, a summer camp, an adult education center, outdoor concerts and many many other unique programs. But having space is not the same has having leadership. It is one thing to raise money and to build an edifice. It is another to raise Jews and to build leaders. We are as I said, at an important junture. Ifeverwas the time to become involved in the Temple, now is the time. We need you to volunteer for our committees. To participate in our programs. To take part in creating new programs. And we need you, our members to let everyone know what our plans are. We need you to tell our story and to encourage people to follow our dream and to become a part of what will undoubtably be a transforming experience for the Jewish community of Southern Nevada. Friends who have sat on the sidelines never affiliating with a Temple no longer have any excuse not to join. We are close, we are convenient, and we are welcoming. One other thought: We may not have a building at this time, but our programs are forging ahead. Thro^^fc the concept of ?Ba? Shuchunah - in your neighborhood? we will be bringing our program to you. Yes, classes will be at our temporary offices, but others will be held in Anthem or the library. Some programs will be in Congregant?s homes or at a local book store. We will reach out to the community like never before so that our presence is felt. And we will use this time of transition as an opportunity to touch those who are unaffiliated with Synagogue life to attend our programs and activities. So if you would like to offer your home or office board room, or other place of meeting, to the Temple over the coming months please let me or our Program Director, Roberta Unger know. Ba? Shuchunah - in your neighborhood. It?s time we met each other is it not? B?shalom Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Cong, of Year Continued..... All four of her children were born in Israel. In 1989 they left Israel and settled in Las Vegas where Jennifer now works as a home health care nurse. They joined CNT in October 1996. She became involved with IHN as a volunteer, bringing her two youngest children to work alongside her as part of their Bar Mitzvah project. About 3-112 years ago, Maxine Gratz was ready to pass on the leadership role of IHN and as Jennifer describes it, ?Maxine walked into the room and looked at me. I knew I was doomed!? Jennifer gladly took on the role with Bette by her side. Together they worked hard and managed to bring much needed help to those who needed it most. Along with her duties as Sisterhood Ritual Chairperson, Jennifer also puts together the beautiful All Women?s Seder each year, with the help of her committee. It is with great honor to have such wonderful congregants who give so much of their time to help others. Bette considers the IHN program the best thing the temple does. ?The volunteers often get as much or more out of the program as the recipients? says Bette. Jennifer concu^^ ?IHN is one of the most important accomplishments in my life (my family being the most and treasured accomplishment). It is such a wonBp program.? Please join us Friday, January 20th at 7:30 pm at King David Memorial Chapel as we honor these fine women as the 2005 Congregants of the Year! 2 WWW.LVNERIAM1D.ORG Adult Learning Adult Education I Remember When: Recollections From Jewish Las Vegas Leaders (FUNDED IM PART BY MEVADA HUMANITIES) Sun City Anthem Rec Center / Arlington Room Beginning at 8:00 pm January 9, 2006 US Congresswoman Shelley Berkley February 13, 2006 Edythe Katz-Yarohever & Honorable Gil Yarchever March 13, 2006 Robin Greenspun & Danny Greenspun April 10, 2006 Honorable Michael A. Cherry Second Saturday Talmud Study Second Saturday of the Month 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Following our customary morning Minyan and Bible Study RSVP to the Temple 733-6292. January 14* February 11 * March 11 * April 8* May 13* *At New Temple Offices Located at 2920 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Ste 521 May 15, 2006 Susie Molasky & Irwin Molasky Interviewer ~ Michael Geeser ? VlDEOGPAPHER ~ POPPY PRODUCTIONS Other Adult Education class begins at 6 pm. Eor MORE INLORMALION CONTACT Tl IE TEMPLE OELICE 733-6292. NITTY NEWS NTTY IS VERY EXCITED TO BE HOSTINGS. A. W. SOCIAL ACTION WEEKEND JANUARY 12TH - 15TH TEENS FROM ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO AND TEXAS WILL BE COMING TO VEGAS TO HELP IN COMMUNITY # SERVICE PROJECTS AND TO HAVE LOTS OF FUN TOO! Committees / Auxiliaries Y 7 : : v - : J Mah Jongg Card Time! DEADLINE - FEBRUARY 10? Checks Payable to - CNT Sisterhood Mail to Sandy Stolberg 1904 Plantea Ct, LV NV 89117 Questions? Call Sandy at 228-6863 Flowers, cracks, bams, east, jokers and other words that mean something if you?re a player. Take action - the new cards will be here soon! Regular size is $6.00, Large size is $7.00. Sisterhood earned almost $200 last year from all the cards sold! First Annual Family Mitzvah Day! JANUARY 29, 2006 To perform a Mitzvah is to recognize that we can make a difference - one act of selflessness at a time. Mark your calendar. Be part of a new family tradition! OUR community serving the community. JANUARY 2006 3 Philip?s Message Just a If I were a Jew living prior to the eighteenth century, I would have been known as Pinchas ben MosnW- Philip, son of Morris. We Jews were identified only as a son or daughter of our father and did not have last names, as we know them today. There are many examples in the Bible of the use of this format. Because Jews lived in many different places after the Second Temple was destroyed (70 C.E.); the language of that particular country determined the word for son or daughter. For example, when Jews spoke Aramaic (2nd century C.E.), the word bar was used. In countries where Arabic was spoken, the word ?son? was ?ibn? which resulted in names like Solomon ibn Gabirol, Solomon, the son of Gabirol. In the eighteenth century, at about the time of the French Revolution, decrees were issued by Napoleon and other rulers ordering Jews to adopt surnames. It was hoped that this would lead to assimilation of the Jews into modern society. It also made it easier for those in power to collect taxes and provide soldiers for their armies. So, now the question is, how were surnames chosen and what did the names mean? The most traditional method of choosing a last name was simply to add the name of the father to one?s first name. For example, the son of Jacob became Jacobson and Moses ben Mendel became Moses Mendelssohn. The ending -sohn is German; -vitch also means son of in Slavic, as does -ov (or -off, -ev, -eff, and -kin). Other Jews simply took the name of the city or country in which they lived as their last name - Warshawsky or Warshauer (Warsaw), Berliner, Kissinger (from the German town of Kissingen), Bachrach, Calisch, Karlin, or Luria (a town in Italy). Or, they named themselves after the caste to which they belonged. If one were descended from the Kohanim, the priests, their name might be Cohen, Kaplan, Kahn, or Katz (an abbreviation of Kohan Tzedek, ?A Loyal Priest.?) Those from the tribe of Levi might call themselves Levine, Levy, Levitt, Levitan, or Siegal, an abbreviation of S'gan Levaya (?overseer of the Levites?.) Some wealthy Jews were able to bribe officials into giving then what they considered to be beautiful names. These include Greenberg (a green mountain), Blumenthal (a valley of flowers), Rubenstein or Bernstein (precious stones), Margulis (Hebrew for ?pearl"), or Lillenfeld (field of lilies). Poor Jews were sometimes forced to accept humiliating names such as Gross (fgj Fresser (Glutton), Krumbein (bowlegged), Steinhart (hard as stone), or Bleich (pale). There were also Jews who were forced to takes names of nearby barren sites if the Christians living in their town objected to the Jew taking the name of that town. These included Berg (mountain) and Wald (wood). And some Jews adopted the names of their professions such as Goldsmith, Miller, Abzug (printer), Becker (baker), Glass, Kramer (merchant), Metzger (butcher), Portnoy (tailor), Schecter (slaughterer), Weiner (wine seller), Singer, Cantor, or Lehrer (teacher). Again, if the Christians who worked in these professions objected, then the Jews might be forced to take the name of their tools - not tailor, but scissors: Sher; not carpenter, but nail: Nagel. Other Jews took their names from personal characteristics or nicknames. These included: Bogatch (rich), Ehrlich (honest), Friedman (free man), Frohlich (happy), Gottlieb (Godloving), Kluger (wise), Sommer (summer), or Springer (vivacious). One story I read told of a Mayor who one day called all the Jews of his town to gather in the town square. He had the officials divide the area into four sections using big ropes. Then each quadrant was assigned a color. In whichever section you were standing, that became your name - Red, Blue, Black, White. Roth, Blau, Schwartz, Weiss. In Hungary, the authorities divided synagogues into quarters - Weiss (white), Schwartz (black), Klein (small), and Gross (large). Upon their arrival in America, many of our ancestors changed their names. Some names were too hard to pronounce or spell and other names may have prevented some from attaining employment in a prejudiced society. Sometimes, an immigration official simply changed a name for the sake of convenience. Most of us have heard many stories and jokes about these name changes. Whatever our names might be either today or originally, these names link us to our roots and our heritage. B?shalom, Philip SAVE THE DATE! Music Season Sabbath March 24-25 4 WWW.LVNLRJAMID.OR_G B?nai M itzvah & N ews We have begun to schedule Bar/Bat Wtzvah for the calendar year 2007. Letters have already been mailed out. If you are planning or expect to have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in 2007 and have not received a packet by the end of December please call Karen Levine immediately at 733-6292. If you have any questions about the process of selecting dates please contact Rabbi Akselrad. Douglas Brill January 21, 2006 My name is Douglas Brill and I attend Silvestri Middle School, I like to play computer games and hang out with my friends. I also play football with my brother and am first chair violinist in the orchestra at school. I love music! I will become a Bar Mitzvah on January 21,2006. ^Ne. David Memorial Chapel Friday Shabbat Services Coming to a Neighborhood Near You......... New Temple Office Green Valley Library Saturday-Minyan, Torah Study,Talmud Study Committee Meetings Adult Ed Classes Confirmation Choir Rehearsals Tot Shabbat Special Programs Sun City Anthem Adult Ed Classes Special Programs Gibson Elementary _____School_____ Sunday Religious School Tuesday Satellite R.S. Ober Elementary _____School_____ Thursday Satellite R.S. Flamingo Library special Programs Watch Your Temple Happenings & Bulletin For Exact Location for Your Program! Know Where You Need To Be! JANUARY 2006 5 Your Executive D irector Newness January - a time for ?New-ness? for all of us. A New Year, new temporary office space, temporary ?just about everything? space, until we make our move into our new facilities. now under construction. it^^ Before I muse any further, I want to acknowledge, with Great Thanks, our wonderful office staff. Mary on the Phones, Angie on the Financials, Lynette on the Details of every set-up, Roberta with all of our Programs, Karen taking care of Philip and Rabbi, Ayelet and our Teachers with our kids, David and John as our ?Go-To Guys? for everything (this sounds like a band?s introduction), ... you ?Guys? are the best, and thank you! We couldn?t be Ner Tamid without you and all that you do! I and We Thank You! 2006 brings challenges for all of us - staff in operating out of temp offices; Rabbi and Philip going wherever they need to for B?nai Mitzvot; congregants going to King David for Shabbat services; our Religious School kids going to Gibson Elementary School (probably the easiest transition of them all); some of our program?ming in various areas, along with the temple offices, and the list goes on. We now change our verbiage from ?the last service at our current facility? or ?the last oneg at our current home? to ?our first service at King David?, or ?the first B?nai Mitzvah of 2006? (Fremont Hotel, with the second of the year at King David); or our first Sunday of Religious School at Gibson. Moving from ?the last (fill in the blank)? to ?the first? (anything)? will make the year go much quicker. We had been planning and packing for the move for months - now, before we all know it, we?ll do it again, but only this time, into our permanent home. We as staff and congregants can?t wait - and I must say, this is a very exciting time to be a part of Congregation Ner Tamid. Thank you all for your patience, for your donations, for your support, for your help, for your understanding, a^ most of all, thank you for being Congregants of CNT - you truly make Congregation Ner Tamid ?A Special Place to Belong?. Thank you and as always to be continued....... Irv (-----------------------------------------------------------------------------^ The Mitzvah of Caring A giant "Thanks" to all our R.S. parents, teachers and congregants for your help packing, throwing things out and helping us get ready for the movers. It was greatly appreciated! The Chesed Committee will be providing training for those wishing to: * Visit people in the hospital or nursing home * Make phone calls of reassurance to those that are ill or grieving * Deliver chalah gift bags to those grieving Training will be held on the following Sundays from 10a.m. to Noon: February 26, March 5, March 19 Irv and all the Staff If interested or if you have questions, contact Fern (566-0078) or Roberta at the temple office. 6 WWW.LVNEKrAMID.ORG President?s Message Temple Board Scott Stolberg, President Marla. Letizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways & Means Beth Falk, VP Education & Youth Maxine Molinsky, VP Ritual Jay Poster, VP Membership Recruitment Marsha Goldberg, VP Membership Retention CindyJensen, VP Social Action Gregg Solomon, Treasurer Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Jordie Primack, Trustee David Shapin, Trustee Stacey Yahraus, Trustee Harry Sax, Trustee Debra Cohen, Trustee Michele Fendell, T rustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Barry Lewisohn, Trustee Daryl Alterwitz, Trustee No Email Maxine Gratz, Sisterhood President Dr. Fred Toffel, Men?s Club President Adam Bromberg, NTTY Co-President Hilary Scheele, NTTY Co-President The last month has marked a tremendous turning point in the history of CNT. We have moved form our home of almost 25 years. We will shortly begin to see the shape of our new home. During this year our board must deal with some unique although short-lived challenges. We always say that it is the people who make the congregation not the building. However, having a central location to hold our programs and activities is helpful. During 2006 we have allocated a significant increase in our advertising budget so we can keep everyone informed of what is happening and just as important WHERE things are going to take place. All of the things we are use to - the Hanukkah Bazaar, Purim Carnival, religious school - all have to be held at rented locations. Our office, which will function as our meeting space, adult education location, and minyan location, is also rented. In addition to some of the extra costs we are incurring, there are some income streams which we will not have in 2006. For example, the rental of the social hall and sale of Yahrzeit plaques. Both of these have helped to balance the budget in years past. At the same time the budget committee has to begin meeting in the spring for our calendar year 2007 budget. With our current facility we had a pretty good handle on what it cost to operate. For 2007 our committee will have to work with the architects and contractors to estimate what it will cost to run the new building. We always take a conservative approach to budgeting and so we will figure these expenses to the high side and our income to the low side. This type of budgeting is very cautious and it makes balancing our budget difficult. However once it does balance we know we have a spending plan that WILL work. By now you have received your 2006 dues statement. Some may be wondering why dues went up and we no longer have a building. I hope that I have explained in a brief way that in fact it is going to cost us more to operate without a building then with one. I can assure you that the board takes their responsibility to spend our money very seriously and does so with the best interests of the congregation at heart. I have said before we have a staff that is second to none. We have a full schedule of programs that will not change in 2006. But like everything our cost go up year after year, beside the extraordinary cost we will have in 2006. There are two programs I wish to remind you about. First is our NTTY teen youth group will be hosting SAW Social Action Weekend January 12-15. This means we have about 200 teens from our region coming to Las Vegas. Most of the group activities will be held on the campus of the Hebrew Academy in Summerlin. We will be hosting these teens in our homes. If you are interested in helping please contact the office. The energy the kids create is beyond belief. Our youth are the future of our congregation our nation and our people lets support these kids who are doing good things together. I also wish to remind you about the temple trip to Israel that Rabbi Akselrad is leading in June. Time and space are running out. We have over 25 people already registered. This will be an experience of a lifetime whether you have been to Israel before or not. Traveling with our congregational family will make it extra special. So please consider this for your vacation this year. Call the travel agent and get the details. I hope to see you then. B?shalom Scott JANUARY 2006 7 Special Announcements January Birthdays 1st-Mr.Alan Barnett Mrs. Lois Kline Mrs. Carol Spektor Mrs. Leah Stone Mrs. Deanne Stralser 2nd - Matthew Dreiman Mrs. Anne Einsohn Dr. Kathleen Mahon Mrs.Chunman Raimist Mr. Stewart Stenzel 3rd -Mrs. Sandy Ewan Jonathan Levy 4th - Mr. David Naness Alison Sarah Rivlin Mrs. Hillary Torchin 5th - Mrs. Lois Doctors Mr. Leslie Dunn Mrs. Judy Markman Major Mark Woodard 6th-Allison Berman Robert Friedman Mrs. Betty Lowell Mrs. Carol Oshins Mrs. Irene Rudner 7th - Mrs. Mirta Dreiman Michael Roitman Samantha Willey Mrs. Stacey Yahraus 8th- Paul Chenin Shaina Corpodian Sarah del Valle Austin Fisher Jeffrey Karp Mr. Stanley J. Pamas Ms. Pearl Silverman Melissa Toffel 9th - Ari Cohen Mrs. Sylvia Franks Joanna Mann Ms. Rachael Rosenthal Jace Scholes Mr. James Scholes Rebecca Wikler 10th - Mrs. Sari Aizley Mrs. Marilyn Bulavsky Mr. Allan Goldberg Mrs. Lynn Sasso Evan Whalen 11th-Mr. T.J. Coon Mrs. Rebecca Jackson Marie Shapin Mr. Scot Silber 12th - Mr. Greg Corpodian Mrs. Jennifer Curran Mr. Tomas Diaz Mrs. Linda Goldstein Mr. Scott Henry Mrs. Lisa Roe 13th-Douglas Brill Alexia Jackson Dr. Wayne Jacobs Mrs. Lynette Solomon 14th - Mr. Michael Geeser Mrs. Wendy Jacobs Mrs. Janellen Radoff Ian Shapin Arianna Slotnick 15th ? Jacob Makana Lastra Mrs. Shelly Rounds 16th -Briney Lindemuth Micaela Shulman 17th - Ms. Shawna Freid Mrs. Marla Letizia Mrs. Karen Marano Jacob Morris 18th - Mrs. Marilyn Etcoff Mr. David Field Evan Markman Mr. Murray Posin 19th - Mrs. Eunice Cooper Mrs. Jean Friedman Mrs. Andrea Miera 20th - Mrs. Shelley Berkley Mrs. Marilyn Glovinsky Mr. Fred Goldberg Mr. Harold Katz 21st - Emily Bossak Mrs. Davida Handler Mrs.Alene Hepler Abigail Schwartz Mrs. Angie Shiroff 22nd - Mrs. Linda Davidson Benjamin Herring Mrs. Sandra Knopow Sean McCright Alison Sparer Megan Stolberg 23rd - Joey Falk Aimee Levine Madison Levine 24th - Dr. Stanley Canter Mrs. Rea Dantzig Ryan Frockt Mrs. Edith Kirshbaum Dr. Robert Litt 25th - Avidan Berk Mrs. Stephanie Finkelstein Mrs. Dorothy Henkin Mr. David Sachs Ashley Tarbet 26th - Sarah Blank Mr. M. Nelson Segel 27th - Goldie Aschenbach Mrs. Meredith Berger Mr. Alvin Bimbaum Mr. Scott Knox Hon. Jack Lehman Mr. Allen Rosenberg Mrs. Joy Ruby 28th - Mrs. Jill Swiler 29th-Mr. Wolf Adler Ashley Beresid Ethan Fisher Max Lardent Mrs. Lorraine Sachs 30th - Mrs. Meaghan Freiburger Mr. Jerome Osgood Mrs. Bette Stahl 31st- Melissa Berman Hannah Gutstein Dana Marshall-Bemstein Benjamin Meoz Nathan Naness Mr. Ira Spector Gift Shop Open for Business ~ Moke your Appointment Today! While we don't have regular hours get, we are set-up and ready for business! If you need anything you can make an appointment with __________Bessie Levy at 413-5171.__________ January Anniversaries January 3 Mr. & Mrs. James Handler { Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watman January 4 Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hallerman Mr. & Mrs. Don McRitchie January S Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Levine January 7 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Urban January 8 Mr. & Mrs. David Sachs January 9 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Katz January 10 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Rudner January 12 Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Frank Ms. Judi & Ms. Kelly Morris January 14 Mr.& Mrs. Howard Strong January 16 Mr. & Mrs. Craig Kurtzman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Swiler January 17 Mr. & Mrs. Joel Karasik January 19 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Busch Mr. & Mrs. Morton Friedlander Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Parnas January 20 Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Garshofsky Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Grau Mr. & Mrs. Norman Laefer January 21 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Appleyard January 22 Mr. Eugene M. Brown & Mrs. Andrea Harris Brown Mr. & Mrs. Brian Katz January 23 Dr. John & Dr. Goesel Anson January 25 Mr.& Mrs. Donn Pearlman January 26 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kahn January 27 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Goldberg January 28 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Roberts January 29 Hon. Jack & Dr. Lulu Lehman January 30 Mr. & Mrs. Alistair Crighton January 31 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Dockswell Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Marano 4 8 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Yahrzeits - M emoriams - Simchas INMEMORIAM: Saline Weinberg, beloved mother of Mel, beloved mother" indaw of Leslie Marvin ?Tiny? Kaplan, dear friend of CNT Marvin Rubenstein, beloved cousin of Roberta Unger Valyrie Corben, beloved sister in law of janis Rounds MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING ? TELL & KVELL Mazel Tov to Bernard and Fifine Deutscher on the birth of their newest grandchild, Lily Laxmi born on October 8. Lily weighed 7 pounds 7 ozs. Proud parents are Adam and Sumati. SAVE THE DATE! April 12, 2006 Passover Seder Green Valley Ranch January 6 Martha BaUin-Kahn Meyer Beigelman William Cohen George Dalton Murray Deutscher Arthur Feldman Charles Feldman Clara Frank Thomas Frankl Morris Goldstein Marilyn Gorbena Morton Green Rosa Barbara Greenberg Clara Jacobs Lore Kahn Harry Kolber Sy Meyers JackPaiewsky Sam Perlman Marcia Peskin Abraham Raizin Esther Rosen Sidney Saltman Nathan Schampe Philip Serling Harry Slotnick Mildred Sorell Raymond Spector Burt Squire Stephen Stein Sol Wolf Abram Zon January 13 William Ackerman Oscar Alterwitz Lawrence Beer David Blumenthal Jessie Marie Bornstein Elizabeth Buffman Benjamin Cohen Samuel Cohn Jack Cracraft Rafel Del Valle Osias Diwald Solomon Doctors Ruth Getzel Tessie Gianmusso Darlene Gold Alvin Gross Hope Wilder Hersh Benjamin Horwitz Dora Israel Seymour Joseph Yahrzeits January 13 cont. Ann Kinas Ethel Kubey Joseph Laefer Jean Lazarus Robert Levoff Arthur Liebert Irving Litt Pearl Nyman Florence Plotnick Harry Radbel Cecil Serling Melvin Shapiro Albert E. Shientag Benjamin Spector Lee Squire Arnold Swiler Bess Swiler AuvaVaturi Sadie Wagreich Adrienne Watman Phyllis Weidenfeld Annette Weinstein Sidney Weisman John Wood Frank Zalkin January 20 Leslie Bernick Mildred Cohen Steven Howard Cohen Robert Cummins Dallas Ellis Lillian Festinger Elaine Fried Sayde Friedman Marcia Friedmutter Arthur Gellin Alfred Moses Gerstler Freda Glantz Harry Glasser Rick Glickman Emmanuel Greenberg Rae Israel Edward J anovitz Joyce Karchem Millie Kleinman William Krassen Hilda Kulman Henry Lander Eva Leigh Sidney Leinwohl Martha Levenberg Jan uary 20 cont. Phyllis R. Lozofsky Charles Martin Stanley Musicar Minnie Radbel Henry Rudner Andrew Schampe Frank Schwartz Lillian Shapiro Murray Simon Rebecca Skoll Hyman Solowitz Rochelle S. Steinberg Solomon Walrauch Della Yarchever January 27 Eugene Alexander Robert Beckwith Phillip Campbell Esther Corben Rose Emmer Miriam Everakes Herbert Forman Dawn E. Friedlander William Gabelman Angie Giancaspro Seymour Glassman Paul Gottlieb Ida Harrison Phyllis Hubbard Fred C Jensen Ben Kaplan Howard Samuel Knopow Harold Lehrner Phillip Luckerman Dennis Mack Edith Michael Leo Moskowitz Sarah Sally Nathanson Samuel Pearson H. Sam Prezant JackRehfeld Milton Root Ben Shanker Betty Silber Dorothy Slate Jim Stark Morris Weiner Dorothy Werner Nelson Werner Adrian Winegarden Doris Winegarden Julius Wolfson JANUARY 2006 9 Ongoing Monthly Programs ^ Community/Self-Help JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm At the Temple Office Are you a Jewish alcoholic or chemically dependant person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent and Significant Others is a self-help support group. Tell someone you love. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. Shabbat Transportation For Seniors Now Available! Transportation to the first Shabbat service of each month here at CNT for any senior citizen wanting to worship in the Las Vegas/Henderson area. Please contact Roberta Unger in the temple office 733-6292 for more information or to make arrangements for a ride. This program is coordinated by the CNT Chesed Committee through a grant from the United Jewish Community/Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. For information on the Alzheimer's Support Group please call 617-6430. / A Committees / Auxiliaries Rosh Chodesh TBA Watch Temple Happenings! Each month the women of CNT gather to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new Hebrew month. The evening blends learning, spirituality, and sharing. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. Do You Get Our Emails??? The best way for us to keep you informed of everything going on and where is via e- mail. If you're not receiving the Shabbas e-mail, Roberta doesn't have your address. Please e-mail her @ or call her at the temple office 733- 6292. Don't miss Social Action News On Sunday, January 29, 2006 we will celebrate Congregation Ner Tamid's Community Mitzvah Day. The Social Action committee is excited about this event and we want you to be excited about it too! As Jews we believe, indeed we are commanded, to repair the world. "Tikun Olam" is the privilege of seeing the opportunity to make a difference and exercising the responsibility to act. Family Promise is our first mitzvah partner. Many of you have already generously volunteered your time to participate in this program. Here is your opportunity to take the next step. Clark County Parks and Recreation is another organization that contributes so much to od^p lives here in the valley. Volunteer now to find out how your efforts will make a positive - rejuvenating -difference. Habitat for Humanity is ourfinal mitzvah partner. HFH needs a crew to help at every level, from moral support to swinging a hammer. There is room for everyone to participate and contribute no matter what your skill level, interest or age. Contact Roberta Unger in the temple office 733-6292. Commit to make a difference in our community. Don't let this mitzvah opportunity pass you by - it is our privilege and obligation. Cindy Jensen VP Social Acti