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I agree.u# ?•&£• * %k% i#if * » S&i* Reinhardt* C ce Hr. g. g. Bennett) . . _ $ ©opr of letter ft« the pumie Service taw&aoMi &**d also ose from Cleveland SaMtts representing the Las ¥«g&« Hotel Association, la vhUii to apply the hotel rate to fettle and ante court#. la_ .JLs®!;;* **•?«?* pj a #tu«y m m* SS| the effect this would hat® #m oar revests#*, Wim mm gM&flgdftw w ooart® i# iiuoo p®? twit liaS*2x*i.<,#!w,*S *2*1®* ®»* fe&th. The hotel rate «* »2*50 for the first tea roes# plus jg»£s tmt «*>«»> additional room sal #0.15 for m£ private toilet mb la ,^r ll? ®SJ** thrM «**« *® fes aoraltorto la * reqneet of Ma hind. 1* The effect l| weald have oa our revenues, the average saving to *aeh of th«? &uto court fWi* *e tl|.fG ser EKmth, hot this would »**••* *8.550 amwaily «. th* Sfeg*> f. We grant Vacancy allowance la Ante Smart# hat ®NS^ 11® <80 ? ^ •®gj IM O lew i» frost, ww a hotel does sot. *• ^we est&Mieh a precedent by classifying ante toorte m hotels we can espeet that aa&rtiMeiS fcawi^freiffia win alee clsOn t£wl» Wltag It actually a hotel and entitled to the lower rate. rsnriSSS1~s‘Jsrur’AW S15.*XSf«2£w 2fJS*S2 *“ £«??*** *"a f*a oobWjwo to to to wtothw th» total *»* belongs to th» Assoolattoit or “*• iJ° »»tovvti)«i eanslstsntly (nat tau r*. <t*test for a change la classification without affeotlw oth^c* cov ered hr the rate schedule.