Measurement of the flow from the Las Vegas Land and Water Co. wells and springs on June 14, 1935
Flow measurements of the Las Vegas Big Spring and Little Spring and well in July 1931 and July 1934. Measurements of reservoir and settling basin on July 17, 1934 and July 19, 1934, before and after passing of city ordinance to reduce water waste. Estimated consumption by refrigeration systems. Estimated per capita water consumption in Las Vegas, Fallon, Winnemucca, and Lovelock.
Breakdown of costs of water for the Union Pacific Railroad and the Las Vegas Land and Water Co. in 1934.
Flow measurements from the Las Vegas Springs and well in July 1931, July 1934, and June 1935.
Letter to the Mayor of Las Vegas reporting of output from the Las Vegas Springs and wells and consumption by Las Vegas residents.
Letter from the Mayor of Las Vegas requesting detail about water production and usage in Las Vegas. Handwritten notes on letter.