North and west exterior elevations for additions and alterations to the tower of the Riviera Hotel from 1974. Includes revision dates, exterior elevation notes, and exterior finish key. Printed on mylar. John T. Iwamoto, delineator; Berton Charles Severson; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
South and east exterior elevations for additions and alterations to the tower of the Riviera Hotel from 1974. Includes revision dates and exterior elevation notes. Printed on mylar. John T. Iwamoto, delineator; Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Partial typical room plan and room elevations for additions and alterations to the tower of the Riviera Hotel from 1974. Also drawn by B.K. Includes revision dates. Printed on mylar. John T. Iwamoto, delineator; Martin Stern Jr.; A.I.A Architect & Associates.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Partial penthouse suite floor plans for additions and alterations to the tower of the Riviera Hotel from 1974. Includes revision dates and key plan. Printed on mylar. John T. Iwamoto, delineator; Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Interior penthouse details and elevations for additions and alterations to the tower of the Riviera Hotel from 1974. Includes revision dates. Printed on mylar. John T. Iwamoto, delineator; Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Exterior wall elevations for additions and alterations to the tower of the Riviera Hotel from 1974. Drawn by C.M. Includes revision dates. Printed on mylar. John T. Iwamoto, delineator; Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Plans for a six story addition to the Riviera Hotel from 1976; printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Site plans for a six story addition to the Riviera Hotel from 1976. Includes revision dates and notes. Printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect; Mas Tokubo, architect; Fred D. Anderson, architect; Joel Bergman, architect; Bruce Koerner, architect.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
First floor plan and typical floor plans for 2nd through 6th floors for a six story addition to the Riviera Hotel from 1976. Drawn by KT. Includes revision dates. Printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect; Mas Tokubo, architect; Fred D. Anderson, architect; Joel Bergman, architect; Bruce Koerner, architect.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Building sections for a six story addition to the Riviera Hotel from 1976. Drawn by KT. Includes revision dates. Printed on mylar. John T. Iwamoto, delineator; Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South