From left to right: an unidentified woman, Mayme Stocker, Kathy Pickett, and Mary Richard stand next to a tree in the forest, probably at Mount Charleston north of Las Vegas, Nevada
Mayme Stocker with Bertie Servilla pose in front of the Chief Hotel Court with a dog. (Servilla was a nurse at Nellis Air Force Base and she was from Bunkerville, Nevada).
Bertie Servilla, Dorothy Zimmerman, Mayme Stocker, Geraldine Stocker, an unidentified woman, and one of the Stocker's casino employees at Overton Mill.
Dorothy Zimmerman, Geraldine Stocker, Mae Pickett, Bertie Servilla, one of the Stocker's casino employees, an unidentified woman, and Mayme stocker at the Overton Mill in Overton, Nevada Ca. 1932-1940