At the train station with the Rotarians, including Cyril Wengert . Inscription not legible. Cyril Wengert is the first from left left in dark suit, second row.
At the train station with the Rotarians, including Cyril Wengert . Inscription not legible. From left to right: 1) E. W. Cragin; 2) Cyril Wengert; 3) Mrs. Mildren; 4) Dr. Mildren; 5) ?.
Rotary Club members traveling by Union Pacific RR and stages. Cyril Wengert is the last on right, standing. "At Las Vegas Station on UP, 1930's," - Dave Coons.
Rotary International meeting, including Cyril Wengert seated 2nd from left. From left to right: 1) Sam Lawson; 2) Cyril Wengert; 3) Walter Bracken; 4) ?; 5) W. E. Ferron; 6) ?; 7) Ed Clark; 8) Bill Pike; 9) Jim Cashman.
Cyril Wengert - 1955. The Rotary International's Golden Anniversary group photograph including Cyril Wengert. Pictured in the back row are: 1) Cyril Wengert, 2) Will Beckley; 3) Unknown; 4) Unknown; 5) Jim Cashman, Sr.; 6) Win Ferron.
Rotary Club members, left to right standing: Ray Culley, Max Kelch; Left to right seated: 1) James Cashman, Sr.; 2) Cyril Wengert; 3) Will Beckley; 4) Win Ferron.