business partner of Harry Sax, brought Arby's franchise to Las Vegas in the 1960s;
Taken from Wikipedia, "Harold Henry Schultz (January 28, 1925 - May 16, 1995) was a United States Marine corporal who helped raise the second U.S.
Henry Schuster (1926-2014), a child survivor of the Holocaust and 20-year resident of Las Vegas, Nevada, established the Holocaust Survivors Group of Southern Nevada in 1995 with his wife Anita. He served as President Emeritus of the Survivors Group, and also as Jewish Lay Leader for Nellis Air Force Base. Schuster’s escape from Nazi persecution was aided by the French humanitarian organization Œuvre de Secours aux Enfants, and he was instrumental in the planning a 50th anniversary reunion for “OSE children” that was attended by 170 survivors from around the world.