Las Vegas Valley Water District officials. Standing from left to right is Maurice Gedance, Harvey Luce, George Ullom, Leonard Fayle, and William Renshaw.
Las Vegas Club in its original location on the south side of Fremont Street next to the Pioneer Club. The Las Vegas Club was the first casino with a neon sign. This photo shows the doors that replaced the original open front. Site Name: Las Vegas Club Address: 18 East Fremont Street
Photograph of a supply wagon with sixteen horse team moving west on Wilson Street within the McWilliams' Las Vegas Townsite. The view is looking northeast towards the north side of Wilson Street. The Las Vegas Bank and Trust is seen near the left. A drug store is seen next to the bank. The original photograph was taken in 1905. Caption: R & P Photo. Co. Las Vegas Nev.; 16 horse team Site Name: Las Vegas Bank & Trust Company (Las Vegas, Nev.)