The groundbreaking celebration for the North Las Vegas Hospital held at the Dunes Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. From left to right, individuals pictured include Irv Alper, President of Huntington Health Services; William Bennett, North Las Vegas Hospital Administrator; Tammy Landry, Model; and Lee Karns, President of Comprehensive Care Services.
A black and white image of Las Vegas Rotary Club members at a Christmas party in Las Vegas. The group is in front of the Apache Hotel. Club President A.C. Grant is seated beside a waving Santa Claus in an automobile bearing a sign that reads: "Rotary Xmas Party." Secretary Bryan L. Bunker is standing second from the right in the first row. This photo was taken from a time capsule in the cornerstone of the Union Pacific Railroad station located in Las Vegas. The time capsule was placed there in 1940 and was later retrieved when the building was demolished around 1970.
A black and white image from a Chamber of Commerce meeting in Las Vegas. This group of men and women are standing in front of an unidentified building with signs advertising its dining room and the Apache Beauty Salon. This photo was taken from a time capsule in the cornerstone of the Union Pacific Railroad station located in Las Vegas. The time capsule was placed there in 1940 and was later retrieved when the building was demolished around 1970.
Follow Me to Las Vegas, a magazine about art, entertainment, and popular culture in Las Vegas, Nevada. Entertainers and actors are featured in various articles and photographs. The magazine contains several print advertisements of local businesses and organizations.