Archival Component
Archival Component
Nevada State Retired Teachers Association Collection on the book Inside Nevada Schools: A Challenge for the Future (1970-1976) contains the finished book and the research conducted for the completion of the project. Included are oral interviews, articles, notes, copies of photographs, and organizational plans.
Archival Collection
From the Nye County, Nevada Photograph Collection (PH-00221) -- Series V. Smoky Valley, Nevada and Round Mountain, Nevada -- Subseries V.A. Carver, Carver-Duhme, and Carver-Book Families (Smoky Valley). In front in striped shirts are Gary and Dick Carver; in white shirts are Kenny and Roger Berg; in the back row wearing a hat is Jim Berg. The remainder of persons pictured are unidentified.
Folder contains materials related to establishing a law school at UNLV, including: lists of members on the Law School Advisory Board and Citizens Committee for Law School; draft booklet by the UNLV Pre-Law Advisory Committee; The National Pre-Law Newsletter, December 1974; Law School Admission Bulletin, 1974-1975; LSAT/LSDAS blank registration form; Law School Advisory Board meeting minutes, 1973-1974; Consolidated Students of UNLV resolution supporting the establishment of a law school, 1974; correspondence; published articles; and informational documents. From the University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law Records (UA-00048).
Archival Component
Archival Component