Temple Beth Sholom invitation and program for the building dedication includes a guide to the Judaic art in the synagogue and a list of past presidents.
This document establishes the purposes and duties of the board of directors and the make up of the membership of Temple Beth Sholom.
The Bulletin is the monthly newsletter from Temple Beth Sholom. This issue includes columns by the Temple President and the Cantor, religious school news, announcements and calendars, event photographs, and advertisements.
These photographs and ephemera are mounted in the hallway at Temple Beth Sholom, and document the history of the synagogue from it's beginnings in the 1940s through 2003.
The meeting minutes of the general membership and board of directors of Temple Beth Sholom include the proceedings of meetings held from 1973 to 1974.
The Bulletin, monthly newsletters from Temple Beth Sholom, 1999, include columns by the Rabbi and President, religious school news, announcements and calendars, event photographs, and advertisements.
The Bulletin, monthly newsletters from Temple Beth Sholom, 2006, include columns by the Rabbi and President, religious school news, announcements and calendars, event photographs, and advertisements.
The Bulletin, monthly newsletters from Temple Beth Sholom, 2005, include columns by the Rabbi and President, religious school news, announcements and calendars, event photographs, and advertisements.
The Bulletin, monthly newsletters from Temple Beth Sholom, 2007, include columns by the Rabbi and President, religious school news, announcements and calendars, event photographs, and advertisements.
The Bulletin, monthly newsletters from Temple Beth Sholom, 2008, include columns by the Rabbi and President, religious school news, announcements and calendars, event photographs, and advertisements.