Established in 1982 in Las Vegas, the queer Satyricon Motorcycle Club hosted an annual run they called Hell on Heels, which was attended by queer motorcycle clubs from throughout the Western United States. Celebrated over two or three days, the run included a fundraising stage production featuring musical numbers and lip-synched drag performances by club members. This video records the 8th annual Hell on Heels stage production, which includes Las Vegas lesbian activist and Satyricons member Lisa Hernandez--here in top hat and tails. See "Satyricon Bash Celebrates 8th Year" [Las Vegas Bugle, May 1989, 1]. [00:00:00 - 01:56:00]
Archival Component
Established in 1982 in Las Vegas, the queer Satyricon Motorcycle Club hosted an annual run they called Hell on Heels, which was attended by queer motorcycle clubs from throughout the Western United States. Celebrated over two or three days, the run included a fundraising stage production featuring musical numbers and lip-synched drag performances by club members. This video records the 9th annual Hell on Heels stage production, titled, Ankles Aweigh, which includes Las Vegas lesbian activist and Satyricons member Lisa Hernandez. This version does not include the advertising introduction in MS_00251_AV-023a, and so has not been digitized. See "Ankles Aweigh: A Satyricon Show" [Las Vegas Bugle, April 1990, 1].
Archival Component
The Carol Corbett Papers, 1981-2006, contain papers from Nevada organizations, Clark County offices, and general biographical and geographical information. Included are Corbett Recorder Scholarship and Hoggard Memorial Scholarship data, files for the Clark County Recorder's Office, Clark County Credit Union, Records Management Policies and Procedures, a District Attorney Opinion Project, Nevada Women's History Project, Nevada History Archives, and the State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB) files. There is also information on gay issues. Materials also include slides and photographs.
Archival Collection