The Tomiyasu children at the Paradise School, an integrated elementary school in Las Vegas, Nevada. The teacher is Lillian Gentry. The first three children from left to right in the back row are: Kiyo Tomiyasu, Nanyu Tomiyasu, and Natalie Mitchell. The first three children from left to right in the front row are: Uwamie, Maymie, and Yoshiko Nagamatsu.
Group of five unidentified children with hats on sit atop a burro, ready to ride. There is a smaller animal with dark fur, possibly a dog, at the feet of the children. The burro stands in front of what looks like bales of hay, and a building can be seen in the distance.
The Robert Ranney Collection on the Children's Service Guild of Southern Nevada(1947-1990) contain primarily newspaper clippings pertaining to juvenile crime, and other juvenile-related issues in Las Vegas, Nevada. Also included are materials chronicling the operation of the Clark County Juvenile Court Services, including photographs, and two scrapbooks.