The collection contains materials (1967-1991) collected by Sheilagh Brooks predominantly during her time serving on various boards and committees under the Nevada Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology. Materials include agendas, meeting minutes, correspondence, administrative reports, policies, budget plans, grant applications and guidelines for various federal and state departments. The collection also contains the applications of Nevada sites for the National Register of Historic Places.
On February 10, 1977, Frederick Dougan interviewed Russell Grater (born 1907 in Lebanon, Indiana) about his career in the U.S. National Park Service. Grater first talks about his move to the Southern Nevada area and his work that impacted the Hoover Dam project. He then talks about the town of St. Thomas, Nevada, the Lost City, and the activities of tourists. Grater also talks about his work in excavation, the indigenous American Indian tribes of the area, findings on petroglyphs, and the types of wildlife that were found in the area. He later talks about findings related to fossils, gold mining, the effects of World War II on the dam project, and vegetation in the area.