Janiece Searles Bellanger (left) and her daughters Sabrina Maurine Bellanger and Karyn Bellanger Finlayson were all music students of Maurine Wilson. Sabrina was named for Mrs. Wilson. The 90th birthday party held for Maurine Wilson at the Thomas and Mack Si Redd Room.
Four dignitaries unveil the plaque dedicated to the memory of John Wesley Powell during a Powell Commemorative Ceremony on Lakeshore Drive, just upstream from Glen Canyon Dam at Lake Powell. From left to right, the people identified include: Governor Jack Williams of Arizona; Chairman Raymond Nakai of the Navajo Tribe; Assistant Secretary of the Interior James R. Smith; and Governor of Utah Calvin L. Rampton.
People posing under Rainbow Bridge, one of the rock formations found around Lake Powell, during the Powell Commemorative Ceremony. The individuals identified include (standing, from left to right): Harold Mott; Raymond Nakai; Graham Holmes; Frank Kowski (Regional Director of National Park Services), and John Cook (of NPS). Kneeling, from left to right, are: Harthon "Spud" Bill and David L. Crandall.
Bill Diamond, professional river runner, portrays Major John Wesley Powell in an exhibit at the Powell Commemorative Ceremony at Lake Powell. Exhibit includes a boat that is representative of the type used by Powell in his expeditions. The sign positioned by the boat reads: "Early day boating through the canyons of the Colorado utilized heavy wooden boats like Powell's and like this one which was used between 1938 & 1942."
Description provided with image: "UNLV Special Collections Department reception honoring Elbert and Mary Edwards and the deposit of their manuscripts, books, and photographs in the Department's archives. Las Vegas Rotary Club also presented a $3,000 check to Mrs. Edwards for the Elbert Edwards Scholarship Fund at Boulder Humphrey, Judy Edwards, Keith Edwards, Mary Edwards, Rachel Davis, Mahlon Edwards, Carole Edwards, Donna Edwards Davis, Jeffrey Edwards, Jennifer Edwards." Mary Edwards is fifth from left.
A crowd of women posing for a picture at a social function. L to R: First Row: 1. Mrs. Wilson (in black & white), 2. Unidentified, 3 Julie De Armand (in purple); Second Row: 1. Bertha Montgomery Franklin ( in pink), 2. Unidentified, 3. Betty French Tinkler, 4. Helen Mott, 5. Unidentified; Third Row: 1. Janice Haupt (?), 2. Florence Lee Cahlan Jones, 3. John F. Cahlan, 4. Ruth Hazard.
The Las Vegas High School Basketball Team. Front row: L to R Coach Carver, Jack Sandy, Fred Whiteneck Fermin Goodwin, Clair "Sy" Wadsworth, Ebbie Davis, Berkley Bunker. Back row: L to R Lawrence Whiteneck, Jimmie Down, John McDonald, George Bremmer.
Elton Garrett [right] poses with students in front of a building in Boulder City. Note: Patron commented that Mary Jane Carter Smith of the Boulder City High School Class of 1943 identified the following individuals in this photograph: unnamed teacher, unknown male, Mary Robertson, Frank Shelton, Delores Brown, Bob Clark, Lola Dunbar, Elton Garrett (teacher). Also commented that the photograph was probably taken around 1942.
Governors Conference in Boulder City, Nevada. L-R: Gov. Jones of Arizona; Gov. Smith of Wyoming; Gov. Olson of California; Gov. Carr of Colorado; Gov. Miles of New Mexico; Gov. Carville of Nevada; Senator McFarland of Arizona.
A group of men on horseback at Kiel Ranch in Northern Las Vegas, Nevada. The Las Vegas Review Journal published this photo in their segment "Help Us Write History," and a reader responded with the following description: "Left: Francesco Barravecchio. Rider nest to left: Salvatore Bencivengo. Horseman - (second from RGT): Mario Lasalnullovo. Extreme Right: Pasquale Spensieri and 5 yr old daughter Filomrna. Photo taken: June 30th, 1924. Why: Summer Vacation." This document is included with the image.