From the Syphus-Bunker Papers (MS-00169). The folder contains an original handwritten letter, an envelope, a typed transcription of the same letter, and a copy of original letter attached.
From the Syphus-Bunker Papers (MS-00169). The folder contains an original handwritten letter, an envelope, a typed transcription of the same letter, and a copy of original letter attached.
Commencement program from University of Nevada, Las Vegas Commencement Programs and Graduation Lists (UA-00115).
On February 18, 1951, Fred Wilson interviewed Mary Ellen Osborn Lake (born 1870 in Mercer County, Missouri) and her son, Thomas Lake (born 1889 in Missouri). Wilson first asked Mary Ellen questions about when she first arrived in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1904. Much of the relatively brief interview involved questions related to the first Methodist churches in Las Vegas and the Lakes’ involvement and recollections of the locations and members of the church community.
Summary of situation, goals, duties of cooperating agencies, and procedures regarding the effort to prevent flooding and erosion threatening properties and silting Lake Mead. Cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, University of Nevada Agricultural Extension Division and United States Department of Agricultural Cooperating. Project Number: State Office #172, Clark County #12.
Sidney Barouch describes his experience during World War II living in Tunis, Tunisia, which was a French colony. Barouch discusses the facets of the war front in northern Africa, and the experiences of his family as Jews and business owners.