'Las Vegas Area Map 3Bf.' 'Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey.' ' Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey, Carson City, Nevada.' Scale 1:24,000 (W 115°15´00?--W 115°07´30? / N 36°07´30?--N 36°00´00?). Series: Las Vegas area map ; 3Bf. Urban area maps. Las Vegas area map ; 3Bf. Relief shown by contour lines and spot heights. Title in right and left margins: Las Vegas SW quad : ground water. Title on publications list on Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology website: Groundwater map of the Las Vegas SW quadrangle. Series: Urban area maps [Las Vegas area map] from list of publications on Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology website. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Web Archive represents archived websites that are part of the unlv.edu domain that have been collected since 2013. Websites in this collection represent all academic functions of UNLV including colleges and departments, the University Libraries, museums, undergraduate and graduate colleges, and course catalogs. Other websites represented in this collection include UNLV Athletics, research centers, campus directories, UNLV News Center, and the UNLV President's website.
In 2014, Charlene, n?e Friedkin, Herst retired from her state government career, settled into volunteer work, being a mother and grandmother, and being a grant writer for others. After thirteen years in Carson City, she came back home to Las Vegas. Charlene was eight years old when her parents, Patricia and Richard Friedkin, moved their family to Las Vegas from northern California. She remembers vividly the hot day that they arrived and moved into a rental house in the desert across from Woodlawn Cemetery. Her father, formerly in the grocery business, found work at Vegas Village. Two years later they moved ?into Las Vegas at the very edge?which was Oakey.? She recalls people she has known since those first years who have been instrumental in the growth of Las Vegas; the challenges of being a divorced single mother of four; and the career path that began with an invitation from Gene Greenberg to apply for a part time position at Channel 3, where he was sales manager. At Channel 3 she quickly went from part time to full-time. She started the Community Projects Board, which brought together nonprofit organizations together at the studio in the 1980s to identify and develop marketing campaigns that addressed social issues in the community. Initiatives included Baby Your Baby and Smoking Stinks. While working for Channel 3, she also attended UNLV and received a communications degree in 1995. In 1997 she worked at Sierra Health Services in public relations. Then in October 2001, Charlene started her career in state government as the Nevada State Health Division?s Manager of the Tobacco Program. Over the course of her thirteen year career with the state, she was promoted to positions that continued her dedication to improving the quality of life of all Nevadans. She was instrumental in the implementation of the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act (2006); improving prevention services to women; reducing the rate of substance use and abuse in the state. The date of her retirement, October 10, 2014, was officially proclaimed in honor of Charlene Herst by Governor Brian Sandoval.
The UNLV University Libraries Collection of Posters is comprised of posters featuring Southern Nevada with a focus on Las Vegas, Nevada, collected by the University Libraries Special Collections and Archives. The material dates between 1891 and 2002, with the bulk of the material dating between 1940 and 2002. The collection includes posters of movies filmed in Las Vegas, casino marketing and advertisement posters, newspaper clippings, political rallies and campaign advertisement posters, and event promotions.