Description printed on back of photograph: "Howard Hughes shaking hands with Major General Oscar Westover, Head of the US Air Corps, at a luncheon at the National Press Club. Jesse Jones stands at extreme right with other notables in the center. July 1938."
Black and white aerial view of Boulder City. The Bureau of Reclamation Administration building, located at 1200 Park Street, can be seen in the center foreground of the image, along with the Boulder City Junior-Senior High School.
A black and white aerial view of the Hoover Dam Project area before the construction started. Written on the photo is: "Boulder City, Hoover Dam Project near Las Vegas, Nevada. Oakes #175."
Howard Hughes near his Hughes Racer at Newark Airport after breaking the coast-to-coast record from Burbank to Newark in 7 hours, 28 minutes, 27 seconds. The distance he covered was 2490 miles while he was going an average speed of 332 mph. This record bettered his previous record by two hours.
The black and white view of the Lockheed 14 aircraft in New York, New York. Typed on a piece of paper attached to the image: "Readying Hughes' plane for Paris flight. Hughes's Lockheed 14 monoplane in shape for a flight from Floyd Bennett Airport here, to Paris. Motor trouble forced postponement and helpers were working under injunction to have the ship ready for a takeoff July 9 "at the earliest possible moment." Photo shows: General view of crowd watching plane being serviced outside hangar. Credit Line (ACME) 7/9/1938."