An image showing an aerial view of Boulder City. The outlines of the small city are distinctively marked by the stark contrast between the city's greenery and the surrounding desert. Note: Bits of the airplane from which the image itself was taken can be seen in the upper right corner of the photograph.
A. M. S. Jan. 1940 in the lower left-hand corner. 1 map ; 61 x 30 cm. Cadastral map. "No. 40-1" in the lower right-hand corner. Shows block and lot numbers, buildings, water supply and sewage system, leased areas.
Description printed on back of photograph: "At Grover Whalen's home, 48 Washington Mews [sic]. From left to right: L. Thomas Thurlow, Comm. Hl Flannigan, Edward Lund, Howard Hughes, Grover Whalen, R. Stoddart, and Harry Connor. 6/38."
40 x 60 cm. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington. Atlas plate numbers 54 and 55 in the upper corners. Shows forts, trails, exploration routes, drainage, mail steamship routes, physical features, Indian tribes, and historic sites. The geographic region of Southwest is referred to as the New Southwest. Original publisher: Johnson .
A photograph taken by Rupert B. Spearman of the hub of the Boulder City Airport as seen from the roof of the Grand Canyon Airlines hanger on March 30, 1937. Site Name: Boulder City Municipal Airport (Boulder City, Nev.)